d-240 - sc, roti pita is bae

11 1 23


Last night

- agaaiin saya fell asleep time chat. Idk la why do.. Cam I cakap I tkleh tidur but then I tidur gak.. Hm.


- woke at 5 and did eco

- mandi and I didn't makan anything bcs I found no food. Either drink.

I dah malas nak ambil risk minum coffee bcs pepagi tu I dah rasa sakit perut

- told mummy about gastric then she cakap why tk makan kantin la apa

- recite surah hasyr and it was raining.

- left like 5 minutes like that and dina texted me so we went down together

It was raining heavily soo heavy.

- I lipat my kain atas atas ahahha a so tkde ah bebasah eew

- we diri kat gmie and talked about sej..


- was sitting at the anjung and I duduk belakang syahirah and she pusing and buat '👌🏻' kat I and I angguk

- Najeeha sat beside me and she borak with me.

- naik with her.


- I still tk bercakap dengan dorang.

Then syahirah was explaining the answer kat group and I sengih pastu dia "sengih sengih kau terangkan" 😂ahahahhahaa

- my book kena exchange dengan yusry. So he tanda my book.

- I got 41/50


- after tanda the kertas latihan tghtr, cg datang kat saya and "fatin boleh tak?"

Then I angguk.. Pastu she said "tunjuk sikit"

Hm ahahaha tunjuuuukk


- kat surau laki

- panas gila today

- I bersin 2 kali kat surau tu.

Ah we sat hadid-sab-me-jee

And I buat kerja then I put down my pen and fikir masa depan and sab  & jee fikir I memain.

- my book (rujukan ) got terkoyak 2 hhahaha

So sab csi mamai kat my book

- ash and girls were discussing about watching Munafik 2 and I laughed bcs ash cam terperangkap dalam kata kata dia sendiri


- suruh sab beli milo but when I naik, air I banyak lagi so I suruh amin cakap kat sab belikan lexus

- Hadid patah balik class

- I did sc test.


- Cg jaffray masuk and I continued my sc

- they (gp depan) was playing truth or dare.

- got 35 kot for the test 😭 but 20 for section b. Aih


- did summary

- idk la how boys leh tetibe cakap pasal undergarments cam ewe.


- syok borak dengan ash and suddenly the aisyah muncul WEH hahahaa

Aku cam mana la kau nampak aku dari jauh ke apaa ahahaha bcs dia datang je salam ash cam terus KEDEPAN

- then she waited kat bustop agak lama and we borak pasal endoscope and her mom datang.

Ash suruh pergi kat swasta. Then she naik her car and her mom lambai me ahha cute

- tengah tunggu van tu, I merenung jawapan sc yang salah.


- bro is at home wow he was playing pc

- I tengok dah ada makanan jadi tkyah masak wyay

- solat and makan ikan masak kicap

- in room at 1430 and I played ml

- did sc again and got 34 pulak hahaa

- did lil of eco and I mandi solat and I makan roti pita

Roti pita + daging + cheese aaa

- then I'm here typing.

Follow your heart,
I got your back.

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