d-216 - 눈물

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Last night

- after solat isya, I baring sebelah adik. He fell asleep do ahhaha patut la diam semacam. I tk notice sebab tengah main phone.

- I nak tidur but makuda nak solat she played phone 😭while buka lampu. I cam eyy bengang do srs

- bangun tu je dah pukul 2200 kot.. I mental weh but mental yang diam ah bcs tidur terganggu camtu.

But di muka saya nampak la mental tu. Lelagi bila mummy cakap nak gerak, but still tengok TV. I cam "..."

- listened to songs otw to kd.

- they nak ke Uptown then I cakap, "dah lewat en. Tidur je la"

- they nak beli durian kat kd4 tu but we sampai, kedai tu tutup bebetul depan mata ahahah

- watched yt then tidur.


- lawan mata for subuh. I woke at 650 kot.. Then I lelap. But bangun at 710 and lagi 1 minit nak syuruk

- solat at 730 and then I keluar.. Cuci baju and I memang nak ikut mummy ke pasar tani.

Time tu dia tengah keluarkan ayam.. Nak masak rendang then I tengok ada coupon mc cafe au and I nak bagithu nanti gerak mcd.

Pastu dia lembut lenbut, "nina, nanti blend cili-"

Me, "nina nak ikut"

Mummy, "aih. Sibuk je la nak ikut"

- mandi and ciao.

To mcd,

- ada perselisihan aih.

- bought 2 iced latte and chocolate muffin.

- act my first time gerak mcd pepagi and I saw all of the breakfast menu aaa sabar je nak beli big platter tu 😭

- act my first time gerak mcd pepagi and I saw all of the breakfast menu aaa sabar je nak beli big platter tu 😭

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