◽d-285 - rain, maths, boys being annoying, adik left

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Last night

- I didn't eat.

Mummy cooked curry fish (tenggiri) but I lepas isyak tu terus duduk bilik.

At 2045 tepat I did maths spm 2014 p2 and time tu silent phone off data.

I buka balik.. And got ws from Hadid. She asked me maths and time tu almost 1 hour I buat paper 2 tanpa sedari

- I watched asntm ep 8. Dah pukul 2145 dah but I still tengok gak bcs.. Idk la I think coffee drink tu buat tahan mata kot

Because I put 3 ke 4 tbspn coffee 😂☕

Banyak tu . Ahahha selalunya 1 or 1½ je tu pun tkleh tidur sangat dah

- watched asntm without gangguan. No one ws me except Hadid last night..

- tidur near 0000


- terjaga at 0219. It was raining heavily

Ada thunder

- bangun at 520 and tahajud also I listened to Al mulk

- I panas kan curry ikan. While waiting, adik and I makan ice cream.

Then adik suruh I suapkan dia. Hah I pun lapar en so I suap ah 2 kali then he said I baik ke apa la tah.

- I turun lewat sikit ahahaha at 7 kot 😂

Tengah jalan kat tong sampah tu.. I heard macam van tengah naik bukit but tk sure la tu acik ke apa.

Then.. Bila I sampai kat gmie, firasat kuat mengatakan yang van tadi tu acik.

I pun jalan buat lek en pergi gmie then he said van CIAO.


Then dalam otak cam nak balik rumah... Pastu 2 minutes like that cg sharifah beli nasi lemak. Hah I tumpang ah dia.

She belanja me nasi lemak and acik gmie tu cakap I lewat berapa SAAT je.

- in her car, she asked me my brother kerja nsk lagi ke then I said tk. Dia sambung belajar.

Also I asked her pasal kertas 3 sej. She said takut susah kbat

- took my nasi lemak and ikut jalan lobby.

Tbh en.. Hahaha apa yang jadi today semua I wished au.

Like, semalam I macam entah la mimpi ke apa but I sengaja nak datang sekolah lewat macam pukul 8 ke apa.

And bebetul jadi.

Then I cakap semalam nak beli nasi lemak en, ha dapat nasi lemak harini

I sengih weh ahahaha


- okay kat anjung.

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