◽d-294 - cook cook, cleaned room

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Last night

- I finished at taubah and after isyak I baca sc, eco and habis.

- masak tunggu isyak tu I buat caramel bread popcorn.

Time I buat caramel tu, serious bau dia 😍 lelagi time letak butter asdfghjkl

- sleep at 2130 bcs ngantuk and I sedar at 3. Mummy ws pukul 2300 and pukul 3 baru I reply.


- terjaga at 7 and watched yt videos.

- woke adik and solat subuh. He bought nasi lemak.

- duduk kat depan.. I watched masterchef junior. Episode yang Joe masuk milkshake.

- makan bihun (rm2) while watching and then.. I cam bosan au. After makan tu hujan.

Lebat.. And it was dark. Fadli went out and I masuk bilik.. I updated status and airee replied.

- I kemas bilik pukul 1030 - 1230.

I ada 5 sudut berbuku . Lol.

1 kat pintu, 1 kat bucu katil, 1 kat katil 1 kat belakang katil, 1 rak buku.

Banyak bukan? Aku pun makin serabut so I cleaned yang area pintu and kat bucu katil. Lagi 3 tempat tu tk sentuh bcs tempat yang aku bersihkan ni pun nak serabut.

Plus 3 tempat tu dia cam tk critical so boleh tangguh.

- labeled plastics tu dengan kertas so I know which one to buang and keep.

- swept the floor and mandi, solat.

- I malas masak actually. Really teringin nak makan, ⬇️ so I did the batter.

- tetibe.. I macam nak masak so I masak ikan goreng & ayam goreng. Then ada tauhu telur so I did cabbage with egg tofu

- makan.. And it was delicious. Adik pun makan juga.

Banyak masak do this week. Ayam kicap, ikan sambal, butter chicken, hotdog stick, cabbage with tofu


after makan I duduk.. And fadli was nagging pasal adik punya studies.

 And fadli was nagging pasal adik punya studies

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I cam tk habis gelak weh

- ironed baju at 1550

- solat asar and mandi. Then I did hotdog stick tu dengan adik. Then at 1715 we ate it.



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- then I tengok running man while typing.

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