Chapter 8: You Can't Like Me

Start from the beginning

"She's pregnant!?"

"No! She's not pregnant, okay? None of what you are thinking is right. She's just my friend!" Jimin explained.


My eyes widened in shock after Jimin's father slapped his wife's arm though it was only done playfully. "Aish, yeobo!"

Jimin's mother shyly smiled at me. "Oops, sorry. We thought you're his girlfriend because this is the first time that he has brought a girl in this household and introduced her to us."

I smiled and nod. "It's okay, ma'am."

"Oh, you're so formal."

"She's, uh, Jiwon, by the way and uhm we have to do our project only until six so can we excuse ourselves now?" Jimin asked.

"Oh sure, sure," Jimin's mom nodded.

"Do they even know about your flings and one night stands?" I asked Jimin on the way to his room. "No. But Jiree Noona does, obviously. My parents know me decent guy, Jiwon. As the future owner of our company, I have to look as respectful and decent as I can."

"You are, actually. You just really like to fuck. Just keep your dick inside your pants and then you're good."

"Did you just...?" He looked shocked. Uhm, did I say something bad or something? "You actually talk not-so-innocently."

Oh, that's it? I chuckled. "I'm not innocent like what people think about me. I just wear glasses and I have a brain but I'm not a goodie-two-shoe that you think I am. Basically, I'm just a normal girl in her youth," I smirked and bounced on his bed, making myself comfortable on the soft mattress that smells exactly like him with my front laying flat on it while the side of my face was laying on the mattress. I watched Jimin open his laptop so that we can start researching about the History of Korea.

Time flew by quickly as I have realized that it's already six in the evening after my phone has alarmed. Yep, I had set an alarm in my phone just in case we grow really focused on our project and as expected, we really did. I fixed my things that were scattered on Jimin's bed, making sure I left nothing and packed them all up inside my bag.

Going down the stairs, each of our steps making a sound as our feet knocked  the polished wooden steps, his mother appeared with a sweet smile on her red tinted lips. "What a perfect timing. I just finished cooking dinner. Mind to join us before coming home?" His mother offered. It will be so rude too refuse but I'll do it for the sake of my brother. He can cook, but I can't let myself have a taste of deliciously expensive food while my brother eats ordinary ones. This, I also promised to myself that what good that I get is what will Dawon get as well.

I smiled and shook my head. "I'd really love to, Ma'am, but I have to cook for my brother and take care of him. Maybe next time, I can have a taste of your surely delicious dinner."

"Quite sad but if it means you're coming back, of course, sweetie." She gave me a hug as we are already downstairs standing before her. Jimin's mother's embrace suddenly made me want to cry.

A mother's hug.

I've been longing so much for this, a gentle hug by a mother that I remember the warmth my mother emits that calms me down. The hugs of of a mom just really hits different.

As Jimin's mother pulled away, she looked shocked and worried. She caressed my cheeks and her eyes softened.

"What's wrong?" She asked softly. "You're tearing up." A thing I noticed which is somehow negative is that I often get emotional when I got close with Jimin because of how close he is with his family. He's very lucky. He's got everything that a person can wish for.

I smiled, hiding the bitterness that I am feeling. "I'm sorry. I just missed my mother."

"Oh. Where is she?" She asked. I looked down and bit my lip, the tears urging to flow down my eyes. I don't really like to start a conversation regarding my mother as the wound that her death had  left me still remains fresh in my heart and I get emotional because of it. I just get so fragile when my mom is the topic.

"She passed away," Jimin answered for me.

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that, Jiwon." She suddenly gave me a hug again and it started to make me let out the pain and longing for my mother. With her hand caressing my back, she whispered me something that has left my heart warm and happy. "If you need a mother, just come to me and I'll take care of you, even your brother. As a mother, I understand how much painful it is for the both of you."

As we pulled away, she wiped my tears again. I bowed to her and said my thanks. "Thank you so much," I said with a smile.

"No problem."

His mother is really kind.

After that, Jimin guided me outside their house, going to his car. I sat silently inside, my heart feeling happy and peaceful. Jimin started the engine and drove me back to my home.

A gentleman that he truly is, he opened the door for me and came with me until we reached the door of my apartment. "My mom really likes you, I could tell."

"Hmm," I hummed, nodding as an agreement.

"Me too."

My eyes landed on him. I am confused. "What do you mean you too?"

He sighed, hesitation evident in his face. He is having a hard time dealing with what is on his head and I started feeling nervous about it. His expression says it all but I couldn't accept it which made me ask for confirmation, hoping that what my mind was concluding was not right. "C'mon, say it."

"Jiwon, I like you." He breathed out.

I laughed, a fake one. No, this can't be. He can't like me. He deserves better, someone who he can be proud of. Someone he truly knows, even her flaws, that I couldn't even let him know. He can't be with a stripper like me. "You must be joking around, Jimin. I'm telling you, stop it," I said in a joking manner. I just hope that he is joking around but I think I am wrong.

"I've never been this serious, Jiwon. I like you. My mother likes you, I got Dawon's blessings... Jiwon, Iㅡ"

"No, you can't," I said, my voice sounding low and cold that I don't even recognize it as mine. He looked at me in wonder with a hint of hurt. "You don't know me, Jimin. You don't know me enough for you to say that you like me and accept me for who I am."

I entered the apartment and shut the door on his face, not wanting to hear any more of his confession. Leaning my back against the door, I sighed.

You like me as Jiwon, but will you ever like me as Jiwon and Iris? Will you ever like a stripper like me? Will your mother accept a stripper like me? I doubt. I doubt that even Dawon, my own brother, will accept me for being a stripper even if my intention is for the sake of us. No one can ever like me, a stripper that all people think is a slut. I only have myself to love and accept me for being who I am.

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