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Chapter One| High School Party

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Chapter One|
High School Party

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Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"So... Are we going to go to this high school party? Or... just be creepers and watch said high school party?" Rosa says, as she and her four best friends, and twin brother watch the high schoolers have all the fun. "Be creepers." They all say in unison.

The six were standing in an alley watching an end of the year party thrown by a friend of Ruby's brother. Said boy other heard Mario talking about it a week before.

"Seriously?" Rosa says, in annoyance. She loved her friends, but sometimes they didn't want to do adventurous things like she did. The way she saw it idiotic ideas can turn into amazing memories.

"You, Matias, and Cesar are the only ones that can fit in, Rosa." Monse says, turning to the girl.

"That is so not true." Rosa says, with a shake of her head. "Don't lie to them. It's true. Jamal would lose he's cool in zero point three seconds, Ruby would start sweating, and Monse would snap at someone." Matias says, laughing at the end.

"He's not wrong." Cesar says, laughing where he stood next to Rosa. "Hey! We're working on it." Ruby says, motioning to himself and Jamal, ignoring Monse completely.

"Besides didn't a Junior flirt with you just last week? Because he thought you were also a Junior." Monse says, with a knowing look. "Making Matias and Cesar beat his ass." Jamal says, with a laugh.

"That's because he couldn't take a goddamn hint." Rosa scoffs. She knew how protective her boyfriend and brother could get, so she told the boy off, but he wouldn't back down. So, in her eyes he got what he had coming to him.

"He deserved it." Cesar says, shrugging putting his arm around his girl. "Anyway, are we getting beer? Or..." Matias says, changing the subject.

"We can't go." Monse says, as Jamal and Ruby shake their head.

"Fine! We'll go." Rosa says, rolling her eyes, as she pulls Cesar with her to the side entrance of the party. Rosa stops for a second and watches everyone at the party. Some are smoking, some are drinking, some at eating whatever they could find, some are grinding, and some are making out, like Mario and his girl.

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