14 - Another Chance

Start from the beginning

He knew it was supposed to be his sweet small boyfriend tasting the fancy food and hearing melodic music playing in the background not this homewrecker. 

But Yoongi couldn't change anything now, the deed was done and he needed to pull himself together to finish the rest of night the way he had planned. "Whats wrong baby?" Hoseok asked biting into his food seeing Yoongi just staring at it, remorse written all over his face.

"I....Its nothing." Yoongi assured the other male, smiling while he tried to brush away all his guilt.

Hoseok didn't continue prying instead he resumed to enjoy his food, it was clear that he felt no shame in stealing someone else's boyfriend, even if he was friends with that person. He figured that Jimin was good looking enough to move on quickly anyways, not concerned about how much damage he was causing.

Yoongi and Hoseok's dinner was soon coming to an end and after Yoongi paid for everything they headed to find the convertible parked right at the entrance for them. "Oh my god, I love all the special treatment here, but now it's time you show my body some love." Hoseok teased.

Yoongi hadn't even started to drive yet when Hoseok was dying to touch his body. He was pulling the blue haired male by his shirt collar to kiss him passionately, devouring his lips that tasted like the expensive alcohol they just consumed.

"Hobi wait." Yoongi spoke slightly pushing him off.

"Okay! What's with you?! You're mind is miles away I can feel it."

A sigh left Yoongi's mouth. "Its Jimin." He whispered earning a scuff from Hoseok, who was beyond annoyed hearing the name of the only person who could ruin his fun.

"Its just. I didn't leave our home on good terms, and I feel kind of bad. I'm gonna head home babe. We can pick this up some other time okay." Yoongi suggested but Hoseok was bitter over being pushed to second priotriy over and over again. 

"Seriously? Yoongi, just leave him! Why the fuck do you care now, all of a sudden?" Hoseok questioned angrily, but Yoongi didn't defend himself at all. He knew it was stupid of him to tell like shit now but somewhere deep inside his heart he wanted to fix things with his sweet little boyfriend Jimin. 

Hoseok sat back in his chair, mumbling incoherent insults about his supposed friend Jimin while Yoongi paid him no attention, the only thing the cheating man was concentrating on was the sullen red eyes of his smaller delicate lover after he stepped out of the shower. He couldn't find the right words to justify why he forced himself on him. He knew how horrible it was but Jimin's soft whimpers so sexy that he found no will power to stop thrusting into him. 

Moments later and Yoongi dropped Hoseok off to his apartment not listening to him complain and he raced away on his convertible aching to reach their shared apartment quickly so he could apologize to his boyfriend before it was too late.

Yoongi was surprised and confused when he entered his home to see it empty, a pair of Jimin's shoes missing from the shoe rack and his keys gone from the rack on the wall. His boyfriend wasn't home. "Where the fuck is he?" Yoongi shouted to himself enraged. 

After finally having Jimin pick up the damn phone he recognized the sound of him moaning and it pissed off to the max just thinking someone else was touching his boyfriends special body. He couldnt wait to shake the truth of out Jimin and even though he returned home pretty fast to Yoongi it felt like days. 

It was obvious to Yoongi that his boyfriend looked like he had been drinking because he wasn't acting his sweet and usual self. He was waving his hands angrily and accusing him of cheating again. "Babe I swear on my life I never meant to hurt you! It was all Hoseok's idea. He kept seducing me and I didn't want to be rude. I couldn't break free from his hold babe."

Yoongi was crying into his hands and Jimin was shocked to see him this way, astonished that he was crying over him, "I...I don't think--" the blonde male tried to speak but was cut off by his boyfriend quickly.

"Shh please don't say anything yet, please just let me show you, let me make it up to you okay?" Yoongi promised embracing his small loving yet naive boyfriend.

Jimin stupidly nodded, his watery eyes spilling its tears onto Yoongi's shirt. He wanted to believe that his cute blue haired boyfriend was genuinely repenting for his actions but the apology didn't bring any joy to the him at all.

Of course Jimin had hoped that after hearing Yoongi beg for forgiveness it would bring peace to his heart that their relationship could still thrive but for some reason now Jimin didn't care to hear it and he knew it was because was developing feelings for the handsome father now despite their complicated circumstances. 

After Yoongi let go of Jimin from his tight hold and stopped sobbing, he moved his mouth to hover over his boyfriends swollen red lips to kiss them tenderly, instantly noticing they tasted like wine. Yoongi was stunned by the flavor so he pulled back and glared at him in his tear filled eyes, "Babe? Who the hell were you with exactly?"

Jimin's heart nearly stopped, his mind was reliving the thrilling moment he had with Jungkook not too long ago. "A friend." was all he managed to say before setting his eyes too see Yoongi balling up his fist.

It enraged Yoongi to think of Jimin with another man but just the the fact that Jimin had returned home to him so soon after he called, meant to him that the cute small male was willing to give their relationship another chance, so he relaxed a bit, smugness on his face over the idea that no one could take Jimin from him. 

Soon the two lied in bed together, Yoongi was savoring Jimin's scent all night, he smelled different but he didn't care he was content having his boyfriend in his arms and not in someone else's. He kissed Jimin's neck, whispering adorably to him, "I love you, do you still love me?"

Jimin complemented for a few seconds, did he really still love Yoongi after having an amazing night with Jungkook? He loved the way Jungkook caressed him and he wanted more of it, it was so different than Yoongi's touches that honestly he was growing tired of. 

But something in Jimin's heart convinced him that he could never actually have a relationship with the handsome father. Jungkook had a son, responsibilities and Jimin didn't fit in his life, the gorgeous father and his son needed a wife and mother by their side not a sad broken male who had nothing to offer.

Feeling damaged and pathetic Jimin inhaled and exhaled heavily, with closed eyes he envisioned Jungkook's tasty, slender lips forming his precious bunny smile and the image alone had Jimin grinning from ear to ear as he whispered softly. "I love you too."

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