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I posted this last night and just realized it didn't actually publish. Enjoy! Love you guys for sticking through this with me<3

Addison's Pov.
It's been a week and we are at a stand still not sure what to do. We sent trackers out to look into where alpha gray was hiding but haven't heard any news back yet. Our only move was to do what we have been by keeping our pack ready.

I frustratedly sat in the chair across from Asher's desk in his office that was only occupied by us.

"Baby please come to bed" I whined for the twentieth time in the past two hours. It's half past midnight and I know Asher's tired so I'm trying to get him to take a step back from his work for a second.

I've been with Ilya and Dimitri all day trying to finish getting together their rooms. I want to make them feel as comfortable as they can be.

Since Ilya is sixteen, she has training early in the mornings. I put her room near some other girls that are the same age as her so maybe she can make friends. Dimitri is a few rooms down near a boy his age named Casey who lives here because he lost his parents last year. They will train with their age group but I wanted to hopefully make him more at ease having someone his age living at the pack house too.

Usually mates move out into their own house around the pack territory when they plan to start a family. When a younger wolf shifts they are welcome to have a room in the pack house alone because usually by that time their around sixteen.

The only people who live in the pack house is unmated wolves and the higher ranked wolves.

"Addison I'll be done soon I'm just looking into more abandoned buildings in the nearest city. He has to be close enough to keep track of us but far enough to be safe." He shook his head and squinted at the computer screen a foot and half away from his face.

I huffed and stood up walking around to him. I waited for him to acknowledge my presence as I came behind his desk. He laid back in his chair and looked up at me.

I pulled at his shoulders to make the rolling chair come out enough for me to swing my legs over his lap.

He hugged me sideways by my hip leaving his hand on the exposed skin that peaked out of his old night shirt that was wearing.

He closed his eye as I slowly massaged his temples and then smoothed over the lines that took over his forehead.

" Your Grandmother left today to see her friend over seas correct?" I nodded "Yes she should arriving in Austria sometime tomorrow. Now stop distracting me. " I said with a giggle.

Slowly I put soft kisses all over his face and when I pulled away it took him a second to open his eyes from a relaxed state.

"I missed you" I smirked and hooked my arms around his neck. He laughed and shook his head "not more then I missed you Addy." He said growing serious.

I smiled mischievously and looked up from under my lashes "how much did you miss me?"

I leaned forward and kissed him on the lips softly. Slowly the kiss turned heated and I turned around on Asher lap to straddle him.

When he needed to breath I pulled away and started to trail kisses down his neck until I hit his jugular.

I moaned and licked it surprising myself as my mouth started to water and my nose picked up a promising scent.

I sharply pulled away scaring Asher back into reality. He held me tightly looking straight into my eyes.

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" I shook my head and looked away ashamed.

The Alpha's Abused MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora