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Addisons pov.

     The back of someone's hand went down my cheek and I felt a pair of lips on mine for a second before hearing "come on addy we're here, wake up" my eyes lazily opened and I shivered feeling the cold air hit my skin. I leaned forward leaning my head on Asher and I unbuckled my seat belt.
    Slowly I got out not opening my eyes "it's too cold" even with Asher's grey hoodie I could feel the cold air surround us. I opened my eyes and looked up at Asher. His eyebrows were crinkled and he looked like he was thinking suddenly he shook his head making the thought go away.
He crouched down alittle making me confused and suddenly my legs were knocked out from under me and Asher's strong arms were surrounding me. I let out a squeal and I tightened my hands around his neck putting my head in the base of his neck. He started walking up some stairs and took us into a beautiful house. It smelt of cinnamon and reminded me of when the pack would get fresh cinnamon from down the street and I would be able to make my favorite cinnamon cookies. that was one of my only pleasures growing up in that hell hole.
Asher continued through the house making me confused, the house was empty and it wasn't big enough to be a pack house but I didn't think we would get our own house. "Yes this is ours for the weekend, I already met with alpha Zach he's a close close friend from alpha training and our fathers were close. We met up with eachother but I let you sleep. We have tonight to just relax here at the house the fridge should be stocked are you Hungry?" He said looking down at me.
I nodded and he smiled at me "if you need anything from your bag they are already in the room, I'm going to start cooking okay?" I looked up at him as he set me on my own feet. "Do you need help?" I asked. He chuckled at me and shook his head "no beautiful I'm fine just relax okay?" I smiled and he leaned down kissing my forehead.
He walked down a hall and took a left into a swinging door. I looked around my surrounding and remembered Asher never told me where the bedroom was. 'Where's the bedroom' I said through our link. 'It's upstairs and second door on the right' I nodded even though he couldn't see me and made my way up the wooden stairs.
The house was beautiful and decorated very nicely with many books and paintings making it cozy. I noticed as soon as I walked into the bedroom was the fire that burned bright in the far left corner. The bed was giant and looked so soft.
      There's was a canopy covering the top leaving little slots that you could access the bed with on the sides and foot of the bed.
I saw my bag on the ottoman at the foot of the bed, I made my way over. I sat down and took off my boots letting my feet feel the softness of the white clean soft carpet. I huffed and stood up opening my bag grabbing a pair of shorts out and when I was grabbing a shirt a bra that I got with Cindy fell out.
It was black and lacy, my eyes widened and I blushed totally forgetting that I brought it. I took a deep breath and focused on the sound in the house. I heard Asher walking somewhere in the kitchen and a sizzling sound of meat in a pan. I took off my jeans my underwear changing into the black thong and I put on the black gym shorts. I took off my shirt, scarf and Asher's grey hoodie putting on the balck bra.
I put back on Asher's hoodie over it. You never know Addison, what could happen. I nodded to myself and walked downstairs barefoot. I pushed through the swinging door and saw a beautiful kitchen and Asher cooking.
    I sat down at the island which had wooden stools and just watched him. He took off his jacket and it was hanging over the chair next to me and he contained to cook something delicious that I could smell. He still hadn't realized I was there he was to lost in his cooking.
I'm so lucky to have him. I don't know where I could've been without him, what if I didn't come into his territory but went the opposite way into some other alphas territory? I could be dead and I would've never gotten to meet him. To feel this loved. My eyes teared up just a tiny bit and I stood up going over to him quickly crashing into his strong back.
Even with the little force I crashed into him he didn't waver he stayed strong. He froze for a second before relaxing as I hugged his waist. I sniffed alittle to keep the nasty gross nose drippy stuff from coming out. Eww.
    "Hey hey what's wrong baby?"  He said dropping what he was doing after turning off the propane stove.
  He turned around and wrapped his arms around me "Addison are you hurt?" He said alittle more urgently and tried to search my body without removing me from him. I shook my head.
     "No I'm not hurt" I said quietly. He held my waist with one hand and used his other hand to grab my chin and make me look at him. He wiped a tear that rolled down my face away.
     "I was just thinking what if I never met you? What if I went west instead of east? I could've been found by another Alpha or even worse found by rouges? I could've been abused even worse then I was they would've-" I just now realized Asher was slightly shaking but I knew it help that I was in his arms. I looked into his eyes to see them darker and angry.
    In one fluent movement I was on the counter top with Asher in between my legs him kissing my neck.
  "Mine" he growled lightly I closed my eyes in the pleasure he was giving me by just simply kissing my neck. He pulled back his eyes alittle lighter "it doesn't matter, fate brought you to me. Your exactly where your meant to be and that's in my arms"  I nodded and kissed him.

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