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Asher's POV.

I ripped through a mans chest until I could feel his heart in my teeth and in one tug I ripped it from his chest. Quickly I looked around, searching for Addison and when I couldn't find her I actually started to panic.

I ran to the door that was knocked down on the brown house until two children came out scared as ever. Tears streamed down both their faces and they hold each others hand tightly.

This must be Lana's children I said to myself before slowly walking to them. I must look terrifying with blood dripping from my mouth and down my chest.

Slowly the girl who looked to be older then the boy stepped in front of her brother. "We're Ilya and Dimitri, Addison said come to you."

I started to panic again looking around for her. Why wasn't she with them?

I saw one of the female warriors kill off another vampire near. I mind linked her and told her to take the children to safety and to protect them at all cost.

She obeyed and came to them in her wolf form. The children were weary of a strange wolf coming up to them.

The warrior I asked to take the children was a girl with the name of Lindsay. She lowered her head down and showed them that she wasn't a threat.

I shifted quickly not giving a care in the world that I was naked. "This is Lindsay she will take you to safety go now and don't stray from her." I said with my alpha tone.

I ran into the house following Addison's scent down the stairs of the house and into the basement. My wolf felt uneasy about being here but pushed me to look harder and faster for our mate.

Growling I picked up a pipe that was on the floor covered in Addison's blood. Closing my eyes I asked my wolf to reach out and see where our mate was. I felt a tug of our bond from the left of us.

The ground was concrete but the walls were wooden and their was junk laying everywhere almost covering the outsides of the room and the walls. I pushed boxes out of the way and then a brown dresser that was facing the wall. The glass shattered everywhere but behind the dresser was a small passage.

I mind linked Edward and victor to come to me and follow my scent for back up.

Cautiously I made my way down the pitch black hall. After serveral yards I came to a big solid metal door.

The fact that my mate was in there and in danger clouded my mind and made me do irrational things.

I needed to wait for victor and Edward but I also need to get my mate out of harms way.

Bursting through the door I came to a room that was brightly lit with fluorescent lighting. Shielding my eyes was a mistake because I felt someone punch my face causing me to lose balance.

I fell down from impact but I quickly got up growling and ready to fight.

Gray tried to swing again but I quickly ducked and tackled him to the ground. My fist made three solid punches to his face before I heard the crack of his nose and blood erupted everywhere.

I could feel that my eyes had changed into pitch black ones. I took a deep breath savoring the smell of his blood but then I caught the scent of my mate.

I looked up distracted yet again wanting to see if my mate was safe.

Two pairs of arms wrapped around my upper body as I was pulled off of Gray. I thrashed in their hold almost getting loose but then I felt my skin sizzle from a silver bracelet that one mutt placed on me.

The Alpha's Abused MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora