"Okay." I said uneasily. She entered the house like she was the queen of England, making sure moved her hips with every step she took.

"Is Calum here?" She asked and looked around the house once again.

"No, what do you want? I could leave him a message for you." I tried to act nice, but it wasn't working. Luke muttered a "fuck" and typed something on his phone.

"And you are?" She asked, eyeing me up and down.

"Elena Hood," I smiled. This is the first time I've ever used Calum's last name.

"His sister?" She asked, letting out a wry laugh.

"His wife," I corrected her and she looked taken back.

"Well, Elena, I'm Kate Cardin-"

"The hooker." I finished the sentence for her and Luke laughed. She gave me a glare and rolled her eyes.

"I'm actually the hooker who's carrying Calum's baby." She smirked, thinking she would make me feel hurt but instead I started laughing.

"Oh really?" I chuckled. "Then let Calum take the paternity test."

"He's the father, he doesn't need one." She played with her curly hair and looked at me.

"You're a hooker so he's not the only guy you've slept with, honey." Luke said out of nowhere. Which made me laugh a little.

"We know you say he's the father because of the money, Kate." I said, receiving one of her signature glares in exchange.

"That's not true! You're just jealous because I had him first, you know. His lips, his hands, his dick, everything that he's touching you with now touched me first. Every time you kiss, remember that those same lips kissed mine. When he touches you, remember that those hands touched me. You can't win this, Elena." I let out a wry laugh, trying to not sound defeated, but I was. "You're like an open book." She walked towards me with a smirk that made me want to slap the hell out of her. "I can tell how you're feeling, Elena. Just think about it." She gave me one last smirk and left the house, leaving me with nothing but disgust and insecurity.

"Hey, don't let her words get to you." Luke shook me to make me move or say something, but my face was expressionless and I couldn't move.

She may not be carrying Calum's baby but she did have him first.

"Hey babe, I'm home." Calum yelled, making me run up to him and hug him tight.

She may have had him first, but he's mine now.

"Hey," I smiled.

"Are you being sweet to me because you want your orange chicken?" He chuckled and I nodded.

"Maybe." I giggled. A girl coughed from behind, my sister-in-law. She acted so sweet around me when Calum was around but I just feel like there's something odd about her.

"Hi, Mali." I smiled at her and she smiled back for a second.

"Hey." She gave me a quick hug and walked to the kitchen.

"Let's eat babe," Calum pecked my lips and walked to the kitchen too, hugging his sister after putting the food on the table.

One week later.

Luke, Michael and I were on our way to the mall and I wanted to ask Calum if I could use the credit card he gave me.

"Hey Cal," I said and put him on speaker.

"I'm, uh, busy, but what's up baby?" I heard him move some things around.

"I was wondering if I could use the credit card?"

"Sure, babe. Use it all you want." He said and I smiled because I absolutely love it when he calls me babe or baby.


"Calum! Hang up already!" A woman said, but not just any woman, it was Kate.

"Well, I've got to go baby, I'll see you later. I love you."

"Bye." I said coldly and hung up.

"That was clearly a woman." Michael said. "Can I kick his ass?"

"Permission granted." I muttered.

"He's an ass." Luke said, looking at me through the mirror since I was in the back seat.

"Yeah, I know." I sighed. "But he's not cheating on me."

"How'd you know that?" Michael asked.

"Come on, the guy loves me to death!" I chuckled. "He would never kiss anyone else."

"Well, you kissed me." Like stated.

"Well, yes, but you know, we figured it out." I mumbled.

"I lied to him, you know that right? I lied to my best friend to save your ass." He said, with anger in his voice.

"What are you trying to imply?" I asked him, crossing my arms over my chest.

"That you think it's okay if you cheat on him but it's bad if he cheats on you."

"They have history, we don't. You kissed me first too, remember?"

"Yeah and you kissed me back."

"Whatever." I muttered. I knew I wasn't going to win this fight with him, so it had to end.

"You enjoyed it though." He chuckled.

"Whatever you say, Hemmings." I wasn't paying attention to him anymore since I got a text from Calum.

Calum: Hi babe, I know it looks like if I was doing something with Kate but I wasn't. I was just trying to convince her to let me take the paternity test and she agreed. I love you.

I smiled as we got out of the car and I typed in a quick reply.

Elena: i know you'd never do that baby, I love you too. And I'm glad she agreed!

My smile quickly faded when I got a text from someone I'd been avoinding for a week.

Unknown: My dear Elena, I have so many tricks up my sleeve. You can't win. Calum's the father so he has to leave you:-( Good luck signing the divorce papers!! -Kate xoxo

"Guys can we go back? I'm not feeling too well." I asked and they nodded.

K a t e

"Matt, we're gonna be rich, now give me your damn DNA." I smirked at my boyfriend as I handed him a cup.

"Fine," He chuckled. "Everything's ready, right?" I nodded and we went to the restroom.

I went to the doctor's office with Calum, and he was pretty anxious. The doctor have him a cup to pee in and I waited for him outside the restroom.

He opened the door and I took it as my oppprtunity to switch the DNA.

"Calum, I'll take it. The doctor says that you need to go to the front office and pay." Calum nodded and gave me the sealed cup. I quickly exchanged the cups and walked over to the doctor with my boyfriend's cup.

"Here you go, doctor." I smiled and Calum came back a minute later.

"You'll recieve the results on Wednesday." They both nodded and we left.

I smirked as I walked to the car, I'm going to be a millionaire.


Guys do you like the story so far?

ALSO thankyou so much for 43K!!!! I love you all:-)

If you have any questions for Calum, leave them below!


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