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"What about this dress?" Calum asked holding a tight black dress.

"Too revealing." I scrunched my nose and shook my head at the same time.

"What about this one?" he held out a pretty blue dress.

"I'll try it on." I smiled and took the dress from him.

We both walked to the changing rooms.

"Can I go with you?"

I shook my head no, while laughing.

"Fine, but hurry. I'm starving." he pouted.

I closed the door and took my shirt off, leaving me with my jeans and bra. I quickly put on the dress and took my jeans off. Why am I doing this? I sighed and opened the door.

Calum stood there with his mouth wide open.

"Close your mouth, you'll catch flies." I smirked.

"It's just- wow. You look, wow." I smiled.

"Thanks." I said and he cleared his throat.

"Change quickly because I'm really hungry!" he groaned.

"Fine." I said and went back to the dressing room.

I quickly changed back to the clothes I had on and took the dress with me.

"Do you want me to help you with that?" I asked Calum, who had like fifteen bags.

"Yes please!" he said and gave me five bags.

He payed for the dress and bought me a new phone. When we arrived home, I texted my mom.

"You and Calum planned all this FOUR years ago, maybe even more. What the hell is wrong with you?"

She quickly responded.

"Look, Calum'll tell you why. Now please don't text me, ever again."

"Fuck you."

I threw my new phone to the wall, luckily it had an otter case.

"Hey what's wrong?" I heard someone say.

I quickly turned around and saw a girl, who was basically the girl version of Calum.

"Nothing." I sniffed.

"You can tell me," her smile was pitiful, and it remind me of Calum.

"I-I don't know if I can." I said and wiped my eyes.

"Oh come on! Is it because you just got married and you're nervous of him sticking it in?" She didn't know what really happened so I decided to just go with it.

"You're just like him." I chuckled.

"Yeah," she smiled. "Now tell me what's wrong."

"I'm just, uh, I got in a fight with my mom." I said and broke eye contact with her.

"Why? What happened?" she asked.

"Just, stuff. She, well, she wants me to come back for, ah, a week or two. But I just got married, so." Hey, I'm actually a good liar.

"Oh, well, she'll get over it." she smiled once again. "Well I'm Mali, Calum's sister."

"Elena, Calum's wife." I smiled.

"I'll never get used to my little brother having a wife." She fake smiled.

"Oh, well." I fake smiled too. Something was wrong with her, like if she didn't want me to be with Calum.

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