Chapter 7 - Case ii

Start from the beginning




Jin halted the twin blades mid way through a woman's face. His eyes narrowed, thinking he was seeing things. As he squinted, the details of the woman's features blurred and shifted. 

He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand. 

Her face melted into your own. Your face smiled back at him from the glossy page, your body clad in a white summer dress that was in the season's most wanted trend. 

Jin blinked, and blinked again. 

You were good looking, but you weren't model pretty. You were average. So he knew his mind was playing tricks on him and that you wouldn't be a model in a fashion magazine.

However he had to admit, you did look good in that dress...

He suddenly threw the booklet down and slapped his face into his hands at the abrupt thought he just had. 

Jin groaned as he leaned back in his chair, catching a glimpse of the woman on the page again that had reverted back to her original features and not your own. He sighed craning his neck back looking up at the ceiling and closing his eyes, feeling a faint thud of the scissors his hand let go off onto the littered carpet. 

"Urgh, they must have upped my med dosage or something..." He grumbled quietly to himself.

Jung Hoseok. Jung Hoseok.

The name filled your thoughts as you tapped restlessly on your laptop in your cosy office. You spent more time in your office than in your bedroom so you had decorated it to be comfortable. A few shelves that were divided into non-fiction research and fiction books to read in your spare time. A lone moogle plush sat in the chair that faced you in the opposite side of your desk so that the last childish instincts you had in you were satisfied, its void black sewn eyes staring at you innocently. You weren't a child anymore, but plushies were a guilty pleasure.  

After Jackson's little stunt you had relocated your case files into another desk drawer and put a lock on it. 

You were researching further into Hoseok's disorders and background, making sure that you had all your information up to date, and that you knew what you were getting into. 

Mental disorders often became a problem when facing possession cases. Spirits took advantage of darkness in one's mind and would put their victims against themselves, making them especially vulnerable to possession. It meant that a case concerning a patient at a mental health facility could mean that this case could turn out to be tricky. 

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