Episode 16 - Finale - The Move of Sanity

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Previously: With the group grieving over the death of Amy, the deaths didn't stop. Trying to kill Gerard, Peter went after him. Katie had turned on Scott's group and joined Gerard. Gerard killed Peter, but Peter managed to stop The Oni. Chris wanted to leave Beacon Hills.


Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Lydia Martin
Allison Argent
Malia Tate
Isaac Lahey

Also Starring:

Sheriff Stilinski
Chris Argent
Cora Hale
Derek Hale
Peter Hale
Deputy Jordan Parrish
Gerard Argent
Theo Raeken
Nathan Richie
Katie Summers
Talia Hale
Kate Argent
Liam Dunbar
Jackson Whittemore
Ethan Steiner

Gerard walks up to Peter with his claws out. Peter slowly turns his head to look at Malia and he smiles at her. Gerard then swings his claws and slashes Peter's throat. Malia stares in shock. The Oni just stand there still. Gerard turns around. Gerard then looks at his hand and sees the fly gone. Gerard glares at Peter. Peter smiles until his eyes close. Malia then sprints to Gerard and she does a front flip and kicks him in the face. Gerard falls to the floor. Chris, Allison, Isaac, Jackson, Ethan, Kate, Talia, Derek, Braeden, Stiles, and Lydia then run out. Scott walks over to Gerard and goes "it's time to end this now" Gerard glares at him. Talia screams "PETER!". Scott punches Gerard. Katie runs towards Scott, but Nathan then tackles her to the floor. Lydia kicks the sword away and Nathan grabs Katie by the throat. Katie glares at Nathan. Gerard sits up by a tree and Scott glares at him. Gerard smiles "you wont kill me Scott, you're too good, you wouldn't kill me!" Scott looks at his claws and he goes "after you killed my mom, I'd happily rip your throat out!!" Gerard smiles "then do it!" Scott looks at him nervously. Allison holds Isaac's hand. Scott then puts his hand down. Gerard laughs "you are a pathetic Alpha!" Allison then lets go of Isaac's hand and she walks up to Gerard. Gerard looks at her "hey honey" Allison flicks her claws out and she looks at him "you, are not an Argent, and Argent's aren't murderers anymore, we protect those, who cannot protect themselves! But we wont protect you" Allison pulls a knife out. Chris then goes "AL-" Allison stabs Gerard in the stomach. Allison looks at him "this knife was coated in yellow Wolfsbane" Gerard then glares at her "ALLISON!" Chris looks at Allison. Scott looks at Cora and he goes "I'm sorry about Peter" Cora looks at Peter's body "thanks" Scott looks at her "our relationship-" Cora nods "it was a distraction, go be with her" Scott then looks at Malia who's in tears. Scott walks up to her and she looks at him. Scott wipes the tears from her face and he kisses her on the lips. Malia looks at him "Scott?" Scott then kisses her again. Gerard then lays on the ground dead. Kate smiles at his body. Jordan then appears on fire. Chris looks at him "burn his body" Jordan then incinerates Gerard's body. 

Chris sits in his his room holding a suitcase. Allison walks in with Isaac and Kate. Allison holds Isaac's hand and she goes "we're ready, are you?" Chris then looks at a picture of Melissa on his bedside table and he picks the picture up and puts it in his bag. Kate looks at Chris. Chris then looks at Allison "what you did, to Gerard" Allison smiles "I ended it, it had to be done, he killed too many of us" Chris looks at her. Isaac then walks over "your taxi's here" Allison looks at him "okay, come on then" Isaac goes "about that" Kate stands with Chris. Allison goes "your not coming?" Isaac smiles "it's not forever, your coming back, Scott needs me here, he's just lost his mom, I need to be there for him, like he was for me" Allison nods "okay" Isaac smiles at her. Inside the Sheriff's Station, Stiles and Lydia sit in Noah's office. Noah then puts all the case files about Stiles and The Nogitsune in the shredder. Stiles smiles "wont they be suspicious?" Noah nods "maybe, but I'm the Sheriff" Jordan then walks into the office and he looks at Noah "I have something for you" Lydia looks at him. Jordan then hands a letter to Noah. Noah stares at him. Noah opens the letter and glances at the notice. Noah sighs "why?" Jordan goes "I need to move on, and my position, can be taken by Stiles" Lydia looks at Parrish and she stands up and smiles "thank you for everything you did" Jordan then smiles "you've got my number if you need me". Liam stands with Scott and Theo. Scott looks at Liam "your going back to your parents?" Liam nods "I'm only an hour away, so I'm a lot closer now, I also got in contact with Hayden, so I'm gonna try and find her" Scott sighs "on your own, Liam I don't want you on your own" Theo then steps beside Liam "he's not alone" Scott smiles at them "thanks Theo" Theo nods "see you Scott" Scott hugs Liam "go find her" Liam smiles "I will, Scott!" Scott waves at both of them. Scott then walks into his empty house, and he looks around. Jackson and Ethan then walk in. Scott looks at them "you now off too?" Jackson smiles "well, we thought we might stay around for a little while" Ethan nods "to keep you company" Scott then joins in a group hug "I'd love that" Jackson smiles "not losing us yet, Scott" Scott looks at them both. 

Stiles grabs his coat and looks at Lydia "ready?" Lydia grips onto his hand until she stops moving. Lydia then opens her eyes inside a room. Lydia then walks into a dark room, but a small reflection of light is seen beaming onto a mirror and she stares in shock. Lydia takes a deep breath. Stiles looks at her "Lydia? What did you see?" Lydia goes to speak until a voice on the radio goes "we've got a four-one-five down at number 34 Jefferson Street" Lydia then looks at Noah "aren't you going to reply to the radio?" Noah then goes "it didn't go off" Lydia sighs "I know where we have to go" Stiles pulls the keys for his Jeep out "come on then, show me!". Scott sits on his bed and he looks at Malia sat beside him. Scott puts his hand on her hand. Malia looks at him "we have to bury my dad and your mom tomorrow, are you ready?" Scott shakes his head "no" Malia then lays her head on Scott's chest "me neither" Scott lays back and he gently caresses Malia's neck. Malia then sighs "the last two weeks have been crazy" Scott nods. The Jeep pulls up at an abandoned old house. Stiles and Lydia get out of the Jeep. Lydia looks at Stiles "you're the adventurous one, you first" Stiles goes "for a change, I'm not today" Lydia smiles "wimp" Lydia then opens the door and she walks inside "hello?" Stiles slowly walks in beside her. Lydia turns around and she sees a door. Lydia then goes "this way" Stiles watches her open a door and he goes "it's a bathroom" Lydia stands in the bathroom and she goes "but this is the place, there has to be something" Stiles stands at the door way until the door then slams shut. Stiles shouts "LYDIA!" Lydia bangs on the door "STILES!". Inside the bathroom, a voice quietly goes "Lydia" Lydia turns around and she looks at the mirror and her reflection. Lydia goes "who are you?" the voice goes "I'm trapped, say my name, free me...please" Lydia looks at her "what's your name?" the voice then goes "Mary, but you have to say Bloody Mary, it's the curse" Lydia then sees a young woman in the mirror. Lydia takes a deep breath "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary...Bloody Mary-" the mirror the smashes and Lydia screams. A disfigured and maleficent woman then walks out from the mirror and smiles evilly "thank you, Lydia!".

Next Time - Season 9 - Months after the events of Season 8, Bloody Mary on the loose cursing and killing people, Scott and the others discover that things aren't the same anymore. 

In a graveyard, Scott sits looking at his mother's gravestone. Scott sighs and he then walks off. Moments later, a man then walks to Melissa's gravestone and places a bunch of flowers on their. The man then looks up and Rafael is revealed and he looks at her grave in tears "rest easy, Melissa" Rafael then rubs his eyes and he looks at his phone at Scott's phone number.
Teen Wolf - Season 8 - Finale 

Notes: Updated(25/12/18)

We want to thank everyone on the amazing journey through Season 8, and with Season 9 only a few months away, due to some issues, Teen Wolf will be delayed, and the mini series following the events between S7-S8 has been changed to mid 2019 now, apologies to any issues this may have caused, I'm hoping to have Season 9 premiere in February now, and a trailer to follow at some point in January, apologies for an inconveniences. 

Below, you will see the main cast changes:

Derek and Cora have been promoted to Regulars
Isaac has been demoted, but we will see more of him. 

And now your Season 9 Teaser Image

Season 9 Promo Image:

Season 9 Promo Image:

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