Episode 13 - Founded

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Update: I also wanted to confirm that we are beginning to write Season 9 of Teen Wolf as of tomorrow (26/10/18). So expect a release date in the finale. 

Little earlier than scheduled, but I'm busy during the afternoon, so I thought I'd release it now.   

Previously: With The Oni attacking Beacon Hills. Melissa and Chris were both injured, but Melissa was fighting for her life. Amy spoke to Malia about speaking to Scott. Allison was going to find her dad. Lydia asked Stiles to think of a way to stop The Oni.


Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Lydia Martin
Allison Argent
Malia Tate
Isaac Lahey

Also Starring:

Melissa McCall
Sheriff Stilinski
Chris Argent
Cora Hale
Derek Hale
Peter Hale
Deputy Jordan Parrish
Gerard Argent
Theo Raeken
Nathan Richie
Katie Summers
Talia Hale
Amy Davis
Kate Argent
Liam Dunbar

Scott walks down the stairs and into his living room "mom?" Melissa turns around and she smiles at him "hi honey" Melissa then sits down and she goes "honey, I just wanted to talk to you. You're an alpha, and you can save people lives with a bite, you saved Liam's!" Scott looks at her "what are you getting at?" Melissa smiles "if I ever get hurt, I want you to promise me that you wont bite me" Scott stares at her "what?" Melissa sighs "I don't want to become a werewolf, and I get hurt, or if get sick, then let what happens...happen, sometimes you can beat fate...but honey, the one thing you can't beat...is life. I have a had an amazing life, I'm with Chris...and I got to have a lovely, and beautiful son, who I am so proud to have" Scott looks at her with tears in his eyes "mom, why are you telling me this?" Melissa smiles "I need to know that I've told you". Scott then stands in the hospital looking through the glass window in tears as the nurses give Melissa CPR whilst she's in cardiac arrest. Malia walks over and she holds his hand "don't be afraid, just believe in her, that's what I'm doing" Scott looks at her in tears "I need her" Malia looks back through the window. Scott then watches as the nurses stop the CPR and one of them looks at their watch. Scott stares at them not moving or showing any kind of emotion. Malia listens for Melissa's heartbeat, Malia then blinks and a tear falls from her eye "I'm sorry Scott". Allison sits in the room with Chris. Chris opens his eyes and sits up in pain "Melissa?" Allison smiles "I'm not sure, I'm sure she's okay" Isaac then walks inside the room in tears. Allison looks at him "Isaac?" Isaac looks at them "Melissa, she's dead" Chris looks in shock. Allison gasps. Inside the Sheriff's Station, Noah goes "CAN SOMEBODY FIND ANY TRACE OF GERARD ARGENT! HE HAS CAUSED SEVERE BODILY HARM ON HUNDREDS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE!" Stiles then walks in "and murdered" Jordan looks over as Noah goes "murdered?" Stiles nods "Melissa, she died" Noah then sees a tear fall from Stiles. Noah goes "oh hell" Stiles then looks away in tears. Jordan looks at Noah "I'll find him!" Noah watches Jordan's eyes glow and he walks out angrily. Noah then hugs Stiles and they both stand in tears.

Lydia walks into the Hale vault. Derek and Braeden walk over to her. Derek goes "you wanted me?" Lydia looks at the vault "in here, it's secure, The Oni can't get inside here, this is the safest place in Beacon Hills, so why don't we put it to good use?" Braeden looks at her "Lydia, things-" Lydia shouts "PEOPLE HAVE DIED! MELISSA HAS DIED, LEWIS HAS DIED! OUR PRIORITY IS TO SAVE THE PEOPLE IN THIS TOWN!" Braeden looks at her. Derek nods "where should we start?". Malia and Amy run up to a house. Malia starts banging on the door whilst Amy looks through the window. Amy looks impatiently "why aren't they answering?" Malia looks at her watch "well, it is almost midnight, and we're impatiently banging on the door, or they're dead" Amy looks at her and she walks away from the house. Malia runs after her "hey?" Amy looks at her "I'm sorry "before Gerard kidnapped me, I had no one, I was on my own...I felt as if I was stuck being someone I wasn't" Malia looks at her "I get it, I was like that, then Scott and Stiles found me, they taught me control, and they taught me love" Amy smiles "I'm not used to having friends". Cora and Peter walk into the hospital. Scott sits in the waiting area in shock. Cora then sees Stiles and Noah stood near him. Cora runs over "Scott?" Cora puts her hand on his and he looks at her "she's dead" Peter sighs "the sun's going to go down soon, we have to kill Gerard before he attacks again!" Scott shakes his head "it's pointless, we've already lost" Stiles then looks at his phone "nope, because Lydia is one step ahead of us" Allison and Isaac run over. Allison goes "I just spoke to her, Malia and Amy are trying to get people to relocate to the Hale Vault tonight" Scott looks at her "we wont fit everyone in there!" Isaac nods "that's why all the supernaturals stay out of the vault, we'll fight The Oni, and keep the people alive" Scott looks at him "okay". Lydia goes "QUICKLY! COME ON!". A family run inside the vault. Theo and Nathan run over. Lydia looks at them "well?" Theo goes "we warned our street, but not everyone is listening" Nathan nods "loads of people are going to die!" Lydia sighs "it's our job to defend them!" Theo goes "how do we defend people that don't wanna be saved?" Lydia smiles "you force them".

Scott stands up as he watches a Doctor walking over to him. Scott looks at the man "if you wanna say your goodbyes, I'd do it now" Scott takes a deep breath and he walks up to the a door. Scott puts his hand on the handle and goes to then until screams are heard. Scott turns around and The Oni start to appear. Stiles shouts "SCOTT!". Cora growls at The Oni angrily. Inside the vault, Chris walks in. Lydia then looks at him "you alright?" Chris sighs "I'm trying" Noah walks over and he goes "we've got a hundred and thirty people inside, still under the amount we wanted inside" Lydia looks at at Noah "we can let wait any longer" Malia and Amy walk over. Lydia goes "we need to lock the vault up!" Malia nods "alright, come on then!". Nathan and Theo attack The Oni inside the hospital. Scott looks around "STILES!" Stiles runs over "what do we do?" Scott looks sound and he goes "we need to get everyone to the vault" Stiles nods "alright then" Theo goes "and how are we going to do that?" Scott looks at him. Gerard walks along the streets of Beacon Hills and he goes "Beacon Hills...what a shit hole" Jordan then growls at him. Gerard turns around and sees the hellhound. Gerard laughs "I'd like to see you win" An Oni swings it's sword at Jordan, Jordan then grabs the sword and melts the steel. Gerard looks in shock "okay, impressed-" Jordan growls at him. A voice then goes "this isn't your fight, hellhound!" Jordan looks at Kate who walks passed him holding a handgun. Gerard smiles "Kate, seems like only one of us has supernatural powers, and this time, it's me!" Kate aims her handgun "and I suppose, I'm the only one with a handgun" Gerard then smiles. Lydia, Amy, and Malia run outside the vault. Amy then closes the door as Lydia locks it. Amy looks at her "now we have to wait ten more hours right?" Lydia nods "until the sun rises" Malia looks at them "well, what should we do about them?" Amy looks at her "wh-" Amy instantly goes "oh, them" Lydia looks ahead and she sees over a dozen Oni heading towards them. Outside the hospital, Scott, Stiles, Peter, Cora, Nathan, and Theo stand together as they help the people in the hospital onto a bus. Scott goes "now, to get them to the vault". 

Next Time - Vault - With everyone in the vault, Scott and the group try and find a way to stop Gerard. Derek believes that killing him is the only choice. Scott has to call a couple familiar faces back to help with the fight against Gerard. 


Ohhh, dun dun dunnnnnnn

Kidding, but anyway, I know you are all crying and probably hating us right now. But I wanted to make you all aware of the decision to kill Melissa off this episode...
So, without spoiling the rest of the Season, Melissa's death will impact Scott in the remaining three episodes, the death wasn't for shock value, it was a death we had decided whilst writing this Season...although, the engagement was Beta's idea(although we don't see them get married, but they got engaged, so thanks Beta;)) but anyway, Melissa's death will also impact Chris for the rest of this Season as we've got some big things planned for Chris in the upcoming episodes. 
And seriously...can Gerard just die already? 
Hopefully soon...or we'll keep him around for a while?? Who know, see you next week - Alpha

In other news, we are setting up a little Q&A for fans. Leave a comment or directly message me and we will happily answer your questions(Spoiler Free)  

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