Episode 11 - Plan

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Previously: Talia told Scott that she knew a way to save Stiles, Noah consented and Talia bit Stiles. Lydia went to Eichen house and she freed Theo from a cell. Chris and the others met Amy who was a Werecat. Gerard wanted to kill Amy. 


Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski/Nogitsune
Lydia Martin
Allison Argent
Malia Tate
Kira Yukimura
Isaac Lahey

Also Starring:

Melissa McCall
Sheriff Stilinski
Chris Argent
Cora Hale
Derek Hale
Peter Hale
Deputy Jordan Parrish
Gerard Argent
Theo Raeken
Nathan Richie
Lewis Nelson
Katie Summers
Talia Hale
Amy Davis
Kate Argent
Liam Dunbar

Kira swings her sword and she hits Gerard in the arm. Chris continues to shoot at Gerard. Braeden helps Amy up and they start running off. Derek growls at Gerard. Gerard's eyes turn red. Derek stares in shock whilst he swings his claws, Gerard then grabs Derek's arm and snaps it. Derek growls and he is thrown to the wall. Kira then swings her sword again and her aura lights up. Kira's eyes glow gold and she then screams and she stabs her sword through Gerard's stomach. Chris puts his handgun down as he looks in shock. Braeden turns around and she goes "no". Derek sits up and he sees blood pouring to the floor, but not from Gerard. Gerard then pulls his claws out from Kira's stomach and he goes "think a sword will kill me? I'm an Alpha!" Kira's eyes then stop glowing as she falls to the floor. Chris shouts "KIRA!" Gerard starts walking off. Derek growls but Chris goes "DEREK!" Derek turns around and sees Kira laying there dead. Inside the apartment, Scott sits with Talia, Allison, Isaac, Malia, Lydia, Theo, and Noah. Cora and Nathan walk in. Scott looks at them "anything?" Cora shakes her head "we went to where they said Gerard was in the forest, but he was gone" Allison sighs "asshole" Nathan nods "he is" Cora looks at Scott "anything from Stiles?" Scott shakes his head "unconscious" Scott's phone rings and he answers it "hey Mr Argent" Malia looks at Scott and she then hears Scott's heartbeat fasten. Scott goes "what?" Scott hangs up and he looks to the floor. Isaac looks at him "Scott?" Scott then goes "it's Kira, she's dead" Lydia looks at him in shock. Suddenly, the Nogitsune then goes "AND SO WILL ALL OF YOU!" Scott looks over and he growls. The Nogitsune smiles "you may have beaten me, but I am never defeated" Theo looks at him "yeah, really?" Noah aims his gun. The Nogitsune smiles "think that will kill me?" Stiles then appears behind him "no, but I think your host can kill you" Stiles then punches the Nogitsune in the face. Lydia smiles at Stiles. Noah runs over to Stiles, Stiles looks at Scott who nods "kill it" Stiles takes Noah's handgun and he shoots the Nogitsune. The Nogitsune screams as black smoke appears all around it, suddenly, a fly then buzzes from it's head. Talia catches the fly inside a cup. 

Peter walks into the apartment, Scott sits with with Stiles and Lydia. Peter smiles "nice to see you again Stiles" Stiles nods "yeah, you too Peter" Peter smiles. Scott hands Peter the cup with the fly in it, Peter goes "it's what controls The Oni?" Talia walks out "it needs to go in our vault" Peter turns around and he looks in shock "Talia?" Talia smiles at him "hello Peter" Peter smiles. Whilst half a moon shines in the skies of Beacon Hills, Melissa sits with Chris inside a restaurant. Chris smiles at her "you realise this is our first official date, right?" Melissa smiles "well, technically our first date, was in the train station of the Wild Hunt" Chris laughs "proper date". Derek dodges out of the way as Braeden tries to attack him. Peter sighs "Braeden, you are a mercenary? You should be good at fighting" Braeden goes "weren't you like a big hairy huge lunatic werewolf?" Peter stares at her "old habits" Malia then walks in "how's she doing?" Braeden goes "she! Isn't doing well" Derek smiles and he kisses Braeden on the lips "I think she's just training" Malia smiles "uh, Pet-" Malia looks at him and goes "dad...Talia said she's ready to go to the vault now, to take that fly?" Peter nods "guess it's time to head out" Malia nods "I'll come with you" Peter looks at her "I think Scott might need you here, just let us go". Scott stands with Nathan, Katie, Lewis, Allison, Lydia, Cora, Isaac, and Theo. Scott goes "we've beaten the Nogitsune, but now we need to try and beat Gerard, we've given him enough chances, it's time to end this. He killed Kira, and I wont ever forgive him for that" Cora looks at him. Lewis goes "so we're gonna kill him?" Scott nods "yeah, we are" Theo smiles "now this doesn't sound like Scott McCall" Scott looks at him "a lots happened since you've been gone" Isaac looks at Theo. Theo nods "okay then" Lydia goes "we're going to kill Gerard" Allison sighs. Noah walks into the Sheriff's Station "Stiles, I now have to try and explain to the authorities why they caught my son on camera with samurai people!" Stiles nods "Oni, dad" Noah nods "whatever they're called! I need you to stay outta sight until I have sorted this out" Jordan walks in "Stiles?" Stiles smiles "hey Parrish" Jordan laughs "your back" Stiles smiles "missed you too". 

Later on, Scott sits with Cora, Malia, Theo, and Lydia. Cora rests her head on Scott's shoulder. Derek then walks in with Amy. Lydia looks up "this is her?" Derek nods "Amy" Scott nods "hey" Amy looks at them "I don't have a pack, for a long time I was just hidden, nobody knew me at school, I didn't go to college...but now Gerard knows what I am, and people know that Omega's they don't make it on their own" Scott nods "then you're officially no longer an Omega" Amy smiles "thank you Scott, it means a lot" Scott looks at Derek "we all need rest, we're exhausted". The Hale Vault underneath the school opens, Talia and Peter walk down the stairs. Talia looks at him "I'm sorry you thought I was dead" Peter looks at her "all that matters is now we can move forward" Talia smiles "I'm glad you found your daughter, I shouldn't have removed her from your memories, I was just trying to keep you safe, my only brother" Peter then pulls the cup with the fly in and he goes "lets put this away-" a voice then goes "I'm afraid, I'm going to be needing that!" a bullet pierces the cup and the fly flies out alive. Gerard then walks down the stairs and the fly flies into his mouth. Gerard smiles "I have more power" Talia looks in shock "Gerard" Gerard smiles "welcome back Talia" The Oni then fill the vault and Gerard smiles at them both. Lydia walks into her bedroom and she sees Stiles at on the bed. Lydia goes "Stiles?" Stiles looks at her and he goes "hey, I...I just can't believe I killed Kira's mom, and now Kira-" Lydia hugs him "it wasn't you, it was the Nogitsune!" Stiles kisses her on the lips "Scott's changed, my dad he's busy trying to prevent me from being arrested, I can't even talk to him, I feel like I have no one, except for you, you are the only one looking at me normally" Lydia smiles "because I love you" Stiles lays his head on her legs "I love you too" Lydia runs her fingers through his hair smiling. Meanwhile, at an airport, Liam walks out and he smiles. A voice then goes "you got the same call?" Liam turns around and he looks at Kate and nods "Chris called, he said Gerard is almost unstoppable" Kate smiles "then I guess, I'm just gonna have to kill him again" Liam looks at her "we need to get to Beacon Hills" Kate nods "after you" Liam and Kate get into a Taxi. 

Next Time - Change - With Gerard attacking all of Beacon Hills, Melissa and Chris' date becomes a shamble. Stiles isn't sure on how to stop The Oni. Peter and Scott team up to stop Gerard. Peter wants to kill Gerard. Nathan continues to try and earn Scott's trust.  


Sorry to all Kira fans out there, but her character wasn't interesting to me, I enjoyed working with her character through Seasons 7&8 but I thought it was time to kill Kira off so we could explore a more interesting story with our new character Amy, I hope you enjoy this new character. I'm also trying to develop a bigger story with Nathan, as I think I haven't involved him into much of the story anymore, anyway...enough with me rambling on.

Also wanted to say that I will be doing a Season 9, I have an incredible Mythical Season planned and will have some scary, but familiar myths to the audience(these myths have not seen/spoken about on MTV Teen Wolf's TV Series). Anyhow, anything you'd like to see in the future, please let me know(any characters you'd like to see return? Or relationships you'd like to see?) which I also wanted to add, I hope fans are going to enjoy Cora and Scott's relationship, I thought their relationship was an interesting one....enjoy!!

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