Episode 6 - No More

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Previously: Gerard killed Michelle and he became an Alpha. The Nogitsune returned and was still inside Stiles. Stiles disappeared. Scott bit Braeden when she was dying. Nathan told his pack that they had to help Scott as Gerard was going to kill them. 


Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski/Nogitsune
Lydia Martin
Allison Argent
Malia Tate
Kira Yukimura
Isaac Lahey

Also Starring:

Melissa McCall
Sheriff Stilinski
Chris Argent
Cora Hale
Derek Hale
Peter Hale
Deputy Jordan Parrish
Gerard Argent
Nathan Richie
Lewis Nelson
Katie Summers
George Farrel

Scott sits with Lydia, Malia, Derek, Allison, Kira, and Isaac. Scott goes "this thing got Allison and Aiden killed. It will kill and it's dangerous...we have to be smart about it this time" Allison goes "but last time he had the Oni with him?" Isaac nods until Noshika then goes "the Oni are powerful creatures" Scott turns around and Kira goes "mom? That was quick" Noshika looks at her "I also suspected the Nogitsune would return, and it's powers could be even stronger than before" Kira looks at her and Scott goes "what about the Oni? Will he still be able to control it?" Noshika looks at him "that's something I don't know" Derek goes "how did it come back?" Isaac nods "I captured it" Noshika smiles "the Nogitsune is smarter than you think, you may have captured a part of it but it could have dropped something inside of Stiles" Lydia sighs "like a parasite?" Noshika nods and Scott goes "wait I don't understand" Lydia goes "like when people catch parasites like thread worms...not the nicest things but you can cure it...get it out of you but they can leave unhatched eggs behind which lay dormant for months or years" Noshika nods "then one day they hatch" Scott sighs "and they come back" Allison goes "so if we stop him again, will the Nogitsune do the same thing?" Noshika looks at her "yes".
Stiles opens his eyes and he sees himself in the middle of a forest and he goes "is this me? Is this me?" Stiles looks at his hands "I'm not dreaming" Nathan then goes "you're Stiles?" Stiles then turns around and he goes "Jesus, Nathan! What the hell do you want? I'm having a little crisis of my own" Nathan smiles "you overhear me and Scott yesterday?" Stiles looks at him "you wanted to help us? How did I get here?" Nathan shakes his head "no clue but I still wanna help you" Stiles smiles "you know...you remind me of someone...Theo Raekhan his name was...he wanted to help and every time he did, he back stabbed us!" Nathan smiles "I ain't him" Stiles nods "yeah thank god" Nathan smiles and he walks off "I need Scott, not you" Stiles stands up and he watches Nathan walk off. 
Noah sits in his car and he looks out of the window "come on Stiles, were are you?".

Later on, Scott sits in the driver's seat in Stiles's Jeep with Lydia, Allison, Kira, Isaac, and Malia. As they all sit there Lydia then closes her eyes and she opens them again to see Stiles in the driver's seat and she then sees his eyes glow gold until she takes a deep breath and Scott goes "Lydia?" Lydia looks at Scott "I just saw Stiles" Isaac goes "I thought you could only see death?" Lydia looks at Isaac "he was a werewolf" Scott looks in shock.
Inside a cell, Gerard lies on the floor inside as Chris, Cora, and Peter stand outside of it and Gerard smiles "you think these bars will hold me?" Chris pulls his gun out "if Scott wasn't in charge, I'd have killed you by now" Gerard smiles "would you really?" Peter goes "you may look up to Scott...but I don't" Peter gets his claws out and Cora then grabs his wrist "we can't kill him! Not yet! We wait for Scott" Peter sighs "why are you so much like your brother" Cora smiles. 
Derek sits with Braeden as she sits up and goes "I've healed?" Derek smiles "miraculously" Braeden smiles and Melissa walks in "you feeling okay? Just gonna check you over is all" Braeden nods and Melissa looks at Braeden's eyes and they then start to glow blue and Braeden smiles "I've killed before, they have to be blue" Melissa looks at her "you're alive, that's all that matters" Derek holds Braeden's hand and he nods "that's true" Melissa smiles.
Noah stops the car as he sees Stiles run out in the road and Noah looks in shock as he runs out "STILES?" Stiles looks over "dad? What happened? I blacked out again...this is like before" Noah goes "you don't remember anything?" Stiles shakes his head and Noah nods "we need to get you to Scott" Stiles nods "okay" Noah nods and they both get into the car. 
Scott then looks at Lydia "the Sheriff found Stiles!" Kira goes "I'll call my mom, where is he taking him?" Scott looks at her "sheriff's station". 
Inside the Sheriff's Station, Stiles sits in Noah's office handcuffed and Jordan stands next to him and Stiles goes "Parrish, if I...uh...if I go to hurt anyone...don't hesitate to stop me" Jordan then goes "are you talking about killing you?" Stiles looks at him and he nods.

Scott, Lydia, Malia, Allison, Isaac, Kira, and Noshika stand in Noah's office as Noshika looks at Stiles "so it is you? The real you?". Stiles nods "yeah, for now...so can we hurry up an get this done before we run outta time please". Noshika smiles "of course". Lydia goes "wait, what is gonna happen?". Noshika goes "we need to banish the Nogitsune out of him". Stiles looks at her and Kira goes "how do we do that?". Allison looks at Scott "I'm gonna find my dad and tell him we found Stiles". Scott nods "Isaac go with her, keep her safe". Isaac smiles and he walks off with Allison. Scott looks at Noshika "do what you have too! I'll stop him from getting away". Stiles smiles at him "will you really Scott? Think you could take me? Huh?". Noshika then goes "Nogitsune!". Stiles smiles "ding! She's correct!". Oni then appear in the room and Scott looks in shock "EVERYONE WATCH OUT!". Suddenly there's a huge explosion and the windows and doors all blast open and Noah looks over in shock "PARRISH! OVER HERE NOW!". Noah aims his gun and Scott growls at Stiles "DON'T MAKE ME DO THIS". Stiles smiles "you ain't doing anything Scott!" Stiles then grabs Scott by the throat and he starts choking, Noah then aims his gun at Stiles "LET HIM GO! Don't make me do this" Stiles smiles at him "do it" Noah looks at him. Chris then shouts "GET DOWN!" Noah turns around and Chris then shoots Stiles in the arm and he lets go of Scott and Stiles then glares at Chris "you think you can harm me! ME!" Stiles then starts walking over to Chris and Chris then smiles "you're not getting far" Stiles looks at him until he then falls onto the floor paralysed and Scott smiles "Kanima venom?" Chris smiles "that's right" Lydia then kneels beside Stiles "Stiles! Wake up! Please" Allison and Isaac then walk in and Scott smiles at her. Malia looks at Noshika "so? How do we banish this spirit?" Noshika then goes "I don't know, I've never done it before, my mother has though" Kira then looks at her "grandma? I didn't think I had a grandma" Noshika nods "you don't she's dead" Noah looks at her and Malia goes "then what do we do?" Noshika smiles "well...one of your friends has the ability to talk to people from the past" Lydia then looks at Noshika and she nods "me".  

Next Time - Escape: With Stiles in danger and the pack lost in choice, Scott has to let an unlikely ally into the pack to help them stop the danger. Gerard tries to find a way out of capture. Chris is ready to put Gerard down.

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