Episode 7 - Escape

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Previously: Stiles attacked Scott, Chris shot Stiles with Kanima Venom. Noshika said only her mother knew how to stop the Nogitsune and Lydia was the only one who could speak to  her. Gerard was locked in a cell. Braeden was recovering nicely. Nathan wanted to help Scott.  


Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski/Nogitsune
Lydia Martin
Allison Argent
Malia Tate
Kira Yukimura
Isaac Lahey

Also Starring:

Melissa McCall
Sheriff Stilinski
Chris Argent
Cora Hale
Derek Hale
Peter Hale
Deputy Jordan Parrish
Gerard Argent
Noshika Yukimura
Nathan Richie
Lewis Nelson
Katie Summers
George Farrel

Lydia sits in the apartment and Noshika looks at Lydia "lay down, Kira...put your hand over her head...it'll help her keep focused on my mother, the woman she needs to find" Kira nods and she puts her hand over Lydia's head "good luck" Lydia closes her eyes and Scott looks at her. Isaac and Allison stand beside Stiles and Allison holds a needle with Kanima Venom in it.
Chris, Malia, Cora, and Peter stand outside Gerard's cell and Gerard goes "I feel like a celebrity, seeing all of you looking at me, what's the special occasion?" Peter glares at him and Malia goes "you're an alpha, we need help...Stiles can still control the Oni and we need help stopping them" Gerard smiles "you open this gate and I will raise hell on all of you" Peter nods "lets kill him!" Cora growls at Peter "you only want his powers!" Peter looks at her and Chris nods "there's is no way that you are getting his powers" Peter sighs and he walks off and Malia looks at Chris.
As Scott sits in the apartment, he catches a scent and Isaac goes "Scott? Catch something?" Scott nods "Nathan" Isaac gets his claws out but Scott goes "no! Stay with Stiles" Isaac turns around looking at Stiles who stares him in the eyes angrily. Scott then opens the apartment door and Nathan looks at Scott "a word?" Scott shuts the door and goes "what is it?" Nathan goes "I know we came here wanting to kill you, but I saw your strength...power" Scott looks at him and Nathan goes "I don't wanna kill you Scott...I wanna join your pack" Scott looks at him and Nathan smiles at him "I'm telling the truth, I wanna be in your pack" Scott sighs.
Noah walks into the hospital and Melissa smiles at him "any news from Stiles?" Noah shakes his head "no, I'm getting worried" Melissa then looks at the clock and she goes "under an hour until sundown...the Oni are gonna be out, shouldn't we all be together to stay safe?" Noah nods "when does your shift end?" Melissa smiles "I've been doing triple shifts all freaking week! I can leave whenever the hell I want" Melissa grabs her coat and she smiles "lets get outta here?" Noah nods "where too?" Melissa smiles "I'd definitley feel safer with a hellhound around, let's get to the station sheriff!" Noah smiles "come on then".

George then appears behind Nathan and his eyes glow white. Scott looks at him "you'd better not harm my friends" George looks at him and growls "try me" Scott then looks at Nathan "you and your pack stay outside, in about half an hour, the Oni are coming and they're gonna try and kill us" Katie and Lewis then walk out and Katie smiles "I love a fight" Lewis smiles "count us in" Scott nods "you four guard out here, we're staying inside" Nathan nods "alright then".
Lydia opens her eyes and she takes a deep breath "hello?" Lydia looks around terrified "Noshika asked me to find you! WHERE ARE YOU?" Lydia looks around in tears and she then falls to her knees "I need to save Stiles" an old woman then appears "who is Stiles?" Lydia looks at "who are you?" the older woman smiles "Arik" Lydia smiles "backwards for Kira" Arik smiles at her "who are you?" Lydia smiles "I'm Lydia Martin, I'm a Banshee...your daughter Noshika...she asked me to find you, we have to stop the Nogitsune, Noshika said you are the only one who stopped it" Arik smiles "I am, but only because I had to give him up" Lydia looks at her "give who up?" a tear then falls from Arik's eye and she goes "my husband...Noshika's father, he became possesed by the Nogitsune, I tried everything to save him...but in the end, I knew I couldn't. I killed him and the possesed spirit inside...it died" Lydia looks at her "I can't give Stiles up" Arik sighs "honey, he's already dead" Lydia looks at her in tears. Lydia then wakes up in the apartment covered with tears and Kira goes "Lydia?" Scott runs in "what happened?" Lydia looks at him "she told me what to do" Noshika looks at her and Lydia goes "she said we have to kill him" Allison looks in shock and Stiles then smiles. It then starts to get dark outside and Scott looks around "there coming" Kira gets her sword out and Stiles then breaks free and he stands up and goes "should've put a higher dosage in me! I healed" Lydia looks in shock. Oni then appear in the room and Scott then growls as his eyes turn red and he goes "KEEP STILES AWAY!".
Jordan sees Melissa and Noah "you okay?" Melissa nods until Oni appear in the Sheriff's Station and a sword goes through Jordan's back and his eyes then glow gold.

Malia looks at Gerard until Oni appear inside the room and Cora shouts "MALIA!" Malia turns around and she screams as the sword comes towards her, Peter then punches the Oni in the face and he growls. Malia gets her claws out and so does Cora and both their eyes then glow.
Allison's eyes glow gold and she growls as does Isaac. Isaac then claws at the Oni's face but it then stops and it looks at Isaac and it drives it sword through his stomach. Isaac falls to his knees and Allison screams "ISAAC!". Two Oni's untie Stiles properly and Stiles stands there smiling "Scott, learn from your mistakes, don't ever tie me up in a room full of your friends" Braeden then growls and Derek stands there and they both sprint over. Derek goes to punch Stiles but he grabs his wrist and snaps it. Stiles then throws Derek to the other side of the room and Stiles smiles "come on new wolf" Braeden's eyes glow blue and she growls as she then goes to hit Stiles but she is then punches by Stiles and she flies beside Derek. Stiles smiles "need more training wolf girl" Allison sits beside Isaac holding his wound and Stiles smiles "take me away" the Oni then grab onto Stiles and they disappear with him.
Jordan growls at the Oni as his body then lits on fire. Jordan grabs the Oni by it's head and it then melts it head off and it turns into dust. Noah smiles and Melissa goes "you killed it?" Jordan looks at her and smiles "I did".
Outside the apartment door, George punches an Oni in the face and Nathan growls. Nathan jumps up the side of the wall and kicks one of the Oni down the stairs. Katie gets out her double swords and she attacks the Oni with them and then defends herself from the attack.
Gerards goes up to the bars of the cell and he then bends them open as his eyes glow red and he smiles Chris turns around and aims his gun until an Oni attacks him. Gerard then runs out of the cell. Malia grabs Gerard on the arm but Gerard kicks her and she flies into an Oni.
Stiles stands in the forest surrounded by Oni and he smiles "we need to kill Scott and his pack, we do that and we have power over Beacon Hills" Stiles stands there smiling.

Next Time - Mid-Finale - Breaking Boundaries: Chris and Derek fight to survive as they have to try and save Melissa and the others. Allison makes a tough call. Scott and the others gear up to fight a group of creatures so menacing that they wont think twice about killing someone.  

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