Episode 15 - Protect Whom

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Note: Sorry, this was due on Thursday, but got held back, time schedules will be back to normal this Thursday. 

Previously: The group stopped The Oni for the night and they saved most of Beacon Hills. Kate, Liam, Jackson, and Ethan returned. Gerard killed Amy. Melissa died. Peter wanted to kill Gerard. Scott was planning to stop Gerard and The Oni before the sun sets.


Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Lydia Martin
Allison Argent
Malia Tate
Isaac Lahey

Also Starring:

Sheriff Stilinski
Chris Argent
Cora Hale
Derek Hale
Peter Hale
Deputy Jordan Parrish
Gerard Argent
Theo Raeken
Nathan Richie
Katie Summers
Talia Hale
Kate Argent
Liam Dunbar
Jackson Whittemore
Ethan Steiner

Scott stands with Malia. Malia looks at him "Amy died saving us, your mom died because of us. Now...more people are dying because of us" Scott looks at her "it's not your fault, I opened the Nemeton, I brought the Nogitsune to life, everything that's happened, ever since we woke that tree up!! Everyone and everything is on me!" Malia holds his hand "if it's on you, it's on me too" Scott looks at her and he slightly smiles "I'm glad I have friends like you" Malia nods and smiles. Allison throws her bag onto her bed and she then walks out of her room and into Chris' study room. Chris sits on his chair and pulls a map out. Isaac, Kate, Jackson, and Ethan all stand in the room. Allison goes "Scott and the others are going to stop The Oni, but we need to stop Gerard. Now me and my dad have been working on a map, it's all the places that Gerard has been, starting with all the locations in the forest he's been spotted in" Kate looks at her "then what are we waiting for?" Chris stands up and he looks at her "too many people have died Kate, and if we kill Gerard, I wanna make sure no one else I care about dies!" Isaac nods "alright, but what are we waiting for?" Jackson smiles "for Scott, we don't attack until he's ready" Ethan smiles at him. Inside the Hale loft, Derek goes "and that's what we're going to do!" Braeden looks at him. Talia nods. Peter shakes his head "no, this plan...is bad!" Braeden looks at him "well do you have a better plan?" Peter smiles "yeah, let me kill him!" Derek sighs. Talia goes "Peter, killing isn't always the answer" Peter goes "you know what Gerard did to Deucalion, and our pack!" Lydia, Stiles, and Malia then walk in. Lydia goes "all you want is Gerard's powers" Peter looks at her "so?" Stiles sighs "you heard Scott, our priority is stopping The Oni first, Peter...you cannot mess this up!" Peter stands up "who do-" Malia goes "DAD!" Peter looks at her nervously. Malia goes "Scott has a plan, we will follow it, please" Peter nods "okay, we'll follow his genius plan then". Scott walks with Nathan, Liam, and Theo. Scott goes "Gerard has the fly...the thing that controls The Oni, we get the fly, and stop The Oni" Liam looks at him "we should be killing Gerard" Scott nods "The Oni are killing more people, without The Oni, Gerard is defenceless" Liam nods.  

Gerard stands inside a house. A voice goes "the way was clear, we can move now, find Scott...kill him" Gerard turns around and looks at Katie "tell me why you are doing this" Katie looks at him "Nathan originally wanted to kill Scott, but he changed, he helped him, now a pack of four, is now a pack of two, because of Scott, enough is enough, Nathan will join us if he sees that I'm with you" Gerard smiles at her "two Alpha's, we can beat Scott McCall, come on then, lets go". Peter sits looking at Derek, Braeden, Talia, Stiles, Lydia, and Malia all talking through the plan. Peter then stands up and he walks towards the door. Peter stops as he then turns around and looks at Malia and he smiles. Peter walks off. Derek goes "we just need to wait for that phone call from Scott" Malia nods and she turns around and she stops. Malia then goes "where's Peter?" Talia looks at around "damn" Malia's eyes glow blue "I'll find him" Malia runs off and Stiles sighs. Whilst walking through the forest, Scott hears a noise behind him. Scott turns around and Nathan goes "Scott?" Theo looks at him. Scott then goes "who's there?" Cora then walks out and smiles "hey" Scott looks at her "hey" Cora walks over and she holds Scott's hand "I followed your scent, trying to find you" Scott nods "you found me" Cora smiles "any leads?" Theo shakes his head "nothing" Cora looks at him "damn!". Noises are then hears. Liam listens and he goes "running?" Scott nods. Cora then sniffs and she catches a scent "it's Peter" Scott looks in shock. Allison sits in her room loading her bow up and she holsters her arrows. Chris then walks in "Allison?" Allison looks at him and smiles "hey" Chris walks over to her "I needed to speak with you" Allison nods "okay" Chris goes "after Gerard is stopped, I'm going away for a while...well, we're going away for a while" Allison stares at him "dad?" Chris sighs "after Melissa, now I'm kill my own father, I just...need a break, but I need you with me, so I know you're safe" Allison nods. Gerard stands in the middle of a forest. Katie holds her swords. Gerard then smiles "finally come to face me?" Peter walks out from behind a tree "I've come to kill you" Gerard smiles. Katie's aura glows purple and she goes to attack Peter. Peter smiles "I thought I was the sly one". 

Peter punches Katie and she flies into a tree. Katie sits up in pain "shit" Gerard smiles "maybe she's not ready, but she will be" Peter looks at the sky and he sees the sun starting to set. Gerard holds his hand out, showing the fly that controls The Oni. Gerard smiles "in a minute, The Oni are going to come back, and I'll kill everyone in Beacon Hills!". Scott, Nathan, Theo, Liam, Cora, and Malia then run out of the forest. Peter turns around and he looks at Malia. Malia goes "dad?". Stiles looks at Derek "I'm calling it, the sun is going to go down soon, and Scott still hasn't phoned, so we're going!" Derek nods "okay, lets go" Talia nods and growls, signalling everyone. Allison then stands up from the bed and she goes "time to move" Chris smiles at her. Isaac, Jackson, Ethan, and Allison stand there as transformed werewolves. Chris pulls his handgun out and he goes "time to stop Gerard". Chris opens the door and they all walk out of the apartment. The Oni start to appear in the forest. Peter turns around and uppercuts Gerard. Gerard flies back into the tree. Nathan looks at Katie "COME ON!" Katie then picks her swords up and she runs over to Peter and slices his stomach. Peter falls to floor in pain. Malia screams "NO!" Nathan looks at Katie. Nathan's eyes then glow red. Scott punches an Oni in the face. Theo runs towards Gerard, but Gerard stands up and he punches Theo in the jaw and he falls to the floor. Gerard then walks up to Peter with his claws out. Peter slowly turns his head to look at Malia and he smiles at her. Gerard then swings his claws and slashes Peter's throat. Malia stares in shock. An Oni angles it's sword towards Cora but as the tip of the sword touches Cora, the Oni then stops, along with all The Oni who then just stand there still. Gerard turns around. Peter's right hand then falls and his fist tightens until small black smoke appears from his hand. Gerard then looks at his hand and sees the fly gone. Gerard glares at Peter. Peter smiles until his eyes close. Malia then sprints to Gerard and she does a front flip and kicks him in the face. Gerard falls to the floor. Chris, Allison, Isaac, Jackson, Ethan, Kate, Talia, Derek, Braeden, Stiles, and Lydia then run out. Scott walks over to Gerard and goes "it's time to end this now" Gerard glares at him. 

Next Time - Finale - The Move of Sanity - As the survivors of the vault all stand up to defend Beacon Hills, the survivors fight The Oni. Parrish, Liam, Lydia, and Stiles protect the survivors. Scott, and the Argent's go after Gerard. 

Sneak Peek: 

Chris sits in his his room holding a suitcase. Allison walks in with Isaac and Kate. Allison holds Isaac's hand and she goes "we're ready, are you?" Chris then looks at a picture of Melissa on his bedside table and he picks the picture up and puts it in his bag. Kate looks at Chris. 


Probably the best thing Peter's done with his life?? 
Dying to stop The Oni, and saving his daughter.

Peter, you were one to hate
But Peter, you are unique
Although, you were a sly man
We will miss you deeply.

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