Episode 2 - Marks

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Previously: Scott and the others had moved in together in an apartment. Isaac had returned and told Melissa about a new pack. Chris found Derek and Braeden. A new pack called The Mixed had arrived at Beacon Hills. Nathan, Katie, Lewis, and George who were Alpha, Kitsune, Beta, and Wendigo. Isaac told Melissa that the pack wanted to kill Scott. 


Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Lydia Martin
Allison Argent
Malia Tate
Kira Yukimura
Isaac Lahey

Also Starring:

Melissa McCall
Sheriff Stilinski
Chris Argent
Cora Hale
Derek Hale
Deputy Jordan Parrish
Gerard Argent
Nathan Richie
Lewis Nelson
Katie Summers
George Farrel

Inside Beacon Hills High School, students walk along the hallway going to class. Nathan walks down with Katie, Lewis, and George. Katie then looks at Nathan "how long have we gotta stay here!" Nathan smiles at her "up until Scott McCall's dead" Nathan then looks at George "did you do it?" George nods "I did...I've let the whole Sheriff station know that we're here".
Down a street, a house has been cornered off by the cops and Noah walks in "Parrish?" Jordan looks at him "you know Isaac told you about that pack?" Noah nods "yeah?" Jordan opens a bedroom door and Noah looks in shock as a corpse lies on the floor with it's chest completely devoured and Noah looks in shock "they're here" Jordan nods "a Wendigo did this" Noah nods "and there was a Wendigo in the pack!" Jordan nods "we're in trouble".
Scott, Stiles, Lydia, and Allison walk into Melissa's house and she stands there "before you come into the kitchen, listen to me first" Scott then hears another heartbeat "who's in there with you? You said Chris was off finding Derek" Melissa nods "he is, I have someone you know in here and it's serious" Scott then walks in and he sees Isaac stood there and he smiles "Scott" Scott hugs Isaac "you're back" Isaac smiles "for good now" Scott smiles. Allison then walks in and Isaac looks in shock "A...Allison?" Allison runs over to him and hugs him "oh my god, Isaac!" Isaac hugs her and Allison then looks up at him and she kisses him on the lips and Isaac smiles.
Chris sits in a room with Derek and Braeden. Derek looks at him "why did my sister even come back to Beacon Hills?" Chris looks at him "she heard of an Alpha in Beacon Hills with the surname McCall. An Alpha that survived the Argent's, The Alpha Pack, The Dread Doctors, The Nogitsune, Oni, the Anuk-Ite...the Alpha that has survived through some of the worst and deadliest creatures...wouldn't you wanna join?" Derek smiles at him. 
Isaac looks at Scott and goes "there's a new pack in Beacon Hills" Scott looks at him "what do you mean?" Stiles looks at him and Isaac goes "I found them on there way here, they want to kill you" Scott looks at Lydia "you feel anything?" Lydia looks at him "no" Scott looks at Isaac.

Scott, Stiles, Allison, Lydia, and Isaac sit in the jeep and Scott goes "where would they be?" Isaac looks at him "the school" Scott looks at him and Isaac goes "think about it. Aiden and Ethan hid at the school so why not them?" Scott nods "lets go to the school" Stiles nods and he goes "Lydia, call Kira and Malia and let them know" Lydia nods "calling them now".
Braeden looks at Chris "you got any leads on her?" Chris shakes his head "no, that's why I'm here, I don't know if she's alive but I need all the help I can get" Derek nods "I'm gonna help, you spoken to Peter yet?" Chris shakes his head "haven't heard or seen him since you left after Gerard's attack" Derek nods "I'll find Peter...you're gonna need more than one Hale if we're gonna find my sister" Chris looks at him "we don't need Peter" Derek smiles "we kinda do, he's the only other Hale" Chris smiles "we have Malia" Derek looks at Chris and nods. 
Malia and Kira stand outside of Beacon Hill High School as the jeep pulls up and Scott and the others get out. Kira looks at Isaac "oh...hey. Uh...Isaac?" Isaac smiles "hello Kira" Malia smiles and she goes "what are we doing here?" Scott goes "there's a new pack in this school and they're dangerous" Stiles gets out of the jeep "my dad just called...they found a body, it was killed by a Wendigo" Scott looks at him and Lydia goes "so we now know that they mean us harm" Allison gets her bow out and she goes "so do we" Kira looks at her "you're a werewolf? You don't need a bow and arrow" Allison looks at her "I have claws and fangs...but I'm still good with a bow" Scott smiles at her and Allison goes "five minutes until the end of school" Scott nods "Isaac and Malia...once people start walking out, see if you can catch a scent" Allison looks at him and Scott goes "I know you're still training on how to do that" Allison smiles.
As the bell rings at the school, Nathan walks with Katie, Lewis, and George out of the school. Nathan then sniffs and Lewis looks at him "catch something?" Nathan smiles "yeah...an Alpha" Katie smiles "Scott?" Nathan then shakes his head "no...it was a different one" George looks at him "how many Alpha's are in Beacon Hills?!" Nathan looks at him "it's a woman". 

As Scott, Allison, Lydia, Stiles, Kira, Malia, and Isaac wait beside the jeep, Scott goes "everyone's walked out...I didn't sense any werewolves" Isaac shakes his head "me neither" Scott goes "they aren't here!" Scott goes to get into the jeep until Isaac goes "wait" Scott turns around and Isaac goes "hear that?" Scott listen and he hears people fighting. Scott looks at Isaac "they're attacking someone!" the seven of them then start running to the school and as they run in they see Nathan punch Mrs Finch around the face and Scott looks in shock "Michelle!" Michelle looks at him "Scott?" Michelle's eyes then glow red and she grabs Nathan's wrist and snaps it. Nathan punches her but Scott then growls as him, Malia, and Isaac stand there with their eyes glowing red, blue, and gold. Katie then pulls out two swords and she starts swinging them until a purple aurora appears of a bear and Kira looks in shock "Kitsune?" Kira then gets her sword out and her eyes glow. Scott, Malia, and Isaac run towards the pack as Kira and Katie fight. Michelle hits Nathan again and she growls. Scott helps her up "Mrs Finch? Are you okay?" Michelle looks at him "I'm fine" Michelle stands up and she growls at Nathan. Scott looks at Nathan "I know you want to kill me...and that's fine! But me and you only! But I'm gonna win" Nathan smiles at him "the thing is Scott...I like to kill!" Nathan charges towards him. George punches Malia in the face and she goes "ah!" Isaac helps her up and George bites Isaac. As George grips his teeth into Isaac, a bolt then flies into George's stomach and he lets go as he shouts "AH!" Isaac turns around to see Allison there with Derek, Braeden, and Chris. Chris and Braeden run over shooting at them as Derek runs over growling. Nathan looks in shock as he then goes "GET BACK! RUN!" Nathan runs off and the rest of his pack follow. Scott stands up and he looks at Derek "you came back" Derek nods "I'm more interested in were my sister is" Scott looks at him "what?" Chris goes "someone's taken Cora, kidnapped her" Scott looks in shock.
Melissa stands in her house and she pours herself a cup of coffee. Suddenly the window smashes and a man jumps in and she looks in shock "you're dead" the man smiles at her. 

Next Time -  Scars - At Beacon Hills High School, Scott gets a job as coach of the Lacrosse Team. With Melissa now missing, Derek and Scott try to figure out what's going on. Stiles and Lydia try and find a pattern, whereas Chris, Malia, and Michelle work together.

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