Chapter Fourteen

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Today was my seventeenth birthday and I didn't wanna get out of bed. I felt sick from my babies today. Gavin came in quietly holding something, I sat up slowly and saw he had a cup of warm green tea. My favorite thing! I smiled and thanked him kising his cheek when Theo ran in the room. "Happy birthday mommy!" I laughed and hugged him tightly. "Thank you bubby!" He climbed into the bed with me as I turned on the TV. Gavin watched with a smile on his face. "I gotta go pick something up then I'll be home and we can celabrate." He winked at the end witch caused me to laugh. He bent down kissing my head and then Theo's before getting dressed and heading out. Theo and I just laid in bed all morning playing with his toys and watching cartoon. I heard a car pull up around eleven and I didn't think it would be Gavin so I told Theo to stay in my room. I saw I was wearing a tank top and a pair of Gavin's boxers but hey, I was in my own home on my damn birthday. I opened the door at the first knock to see Adam, with Jenna beside him. "What do you want?" I sneered. Jenna rolled her eyes whispering something in Adam's ear. "I came to take my son for father son day. I have the right since I am his father." What?! Adam knew today was my birthday! He is not taking my son on my fucking birthday. "No." I spat. going to close my door when Jenna's heel blocked me. "It's his kid too." I swear I felt my blood boil at this point. Like for real. "When you pay me child support, when you pay more attention to him, when you learn what a fucking phone call is maybe. But you sure as hell will not be taking my son on my fucking birthday. Thank you and buh bye!" I tried closing my door again but she blocked it again. "I'm going to break you're fucking leg. Go. Away." I spat. Adam kept quiet after I had said it was my birthday. Had he really forgotten..? Wow. I again tried closing my door but again she blocked so I opened it again, pushed her back and slammed the door. Locking it and going back to my room where Theo was, laying on his back talking on my phone. "Daddy she came back. Here." He reached his hand out with tha phone and I took it. "Hello?" I climbed back into bed and pulled Theo closer to me. "Hey babe, Theo said you were yelling at someone at the door, everything okay?" "No. Adam and Jenna showed up demanding that he get a father son day, forget it was my birthday, and Jenna was just Jenna and was pissing me off." I rambled more until he said he had to go. "Okay baby, I love you." I smiled slightly, "I love you too birthday girl." With that he hung up and I cuddled with Theo watching cartoons until we both fell asleep.

"Mommy.." Theo's sleepy voice caused my eyes to open. He was laying with his head on my chest and Gavin was walking in the room. "Why hello my beautiful family!" Gavin cooed coming over to my side kissing my lips softly and then kissing Theo's head. "Babe you go get ready, wear a dress if you have one pleaseeee, and I'll get Theo ready." He kissed me again and I giggled. "Okay!" I climbed out of the bed and walked into my bathroom, stripping down and climbing into a steemy shower. After I finshed I climbed out, my body a light pink color and wrapped a towel around my body. As I opened the door I head two males talking. "It's her fucking birthday, first you forgot now your demanding Theodore?" I felt the color drain from my face. I pulled the towel tight and walked out to the living room. There I saw Gavin holding Theo, while Adam and Jenna were standing in my living room. "Ew, could you not find clothes?" Jenna sneered causing me to ball my fists. "Why the fuck are you in my house?" I made sure my towel was tucked tight and grabbed Theo from Gavin. She rolled her eyes and stepped closer to me. "If I were you I would give him to me or Adam and stop trying to be all mighty." I laughed a scary sounding laugh before handing Theo back to Gavin. "You will not touch my fucking kid you bitch! All you ever did was call him a mistake, a demon the whole fucking time I was pregnant now you want to try and be his mommy? Fuck no! He's my son and you will not touch him! As fo you Adam!" I turned to him and got in his face. "You need to get the fuck out. I'm not going to keep him from you but its my fucking birthday and I plan on spending it with my baby boy! NO GET THE FUCK OUT!" I yelled pointing at the door. Theo was crying on Gavin and I felt like the worst mommy ever... Adam and Jenna left and he reached out to me. "Mommy calm down, I don't want to go with them anyway. I love you." I felt the tears pour down my face as his small arms wrapped around my neck. "I love you too baby" 

I slipped on a a loose fitting white top and my black skinny jeans pulling on my white converse and walking out to see Theo in a white shirt and some kaki shorts, along with Gavin! My boys matched! We climbed in the car and Gavin pulled up to the fair that was going on in town. "Happy birthday beautful." He kissed my nose and we clibed out, I carried Theo and and we rode rides until we were all about to fall asleep. This was by far my best birthday!

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