Chapter Twenty (Fourty Weeks Along)

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~Gavin POV~

I woke up and noticed that Bri had her face clenched. Her fists balled and tears sprung to her eyes. "Baby, baby girl wake up!" I wrapped my arms around her as her eyes shot open and she screamed. "Gavin! Fuck I think it's time!" She pulls her knees up and grasps them tightly. I pull the blankets off just in time to see wetness spread across the sheets. "Call mom!" She shrieks. I clamber out of bed and see a sleepy Theo staring at his mommy. "What's wrong?" He tries to come closer but I lift him up. "The babies are coming sweetie."

I called everyone I could to help. Bri's mother and father busted in the house. Her father ran up to our room and grabbed her quickly into his arms bringing her down and following all of us out. I was going to drive Bri in our car while her parents took Theo in their car. "Come on baby girl breathe." I reach over and grab her hand while she slowly starts to relax and closes her eyes. "You got this baby girl. You got this." She turns her head and smiles over at me. "I love you so damn much." A small whimper fell from her lips. She cringed again as I pull up to the hospital. Thank god her parents were at the door. I clamber out and go to Bri's side while he mother goes to park. I move all three overnight bags on my shoulder and wrap my arm around her helping her through the door. None of us got a word out when Ashley saw us. In a matter of seconds she was seated in a wheelchair not letting go of me. "Gavin baby it hurts." She whimpers out as we ran down the halls.

It's been six hours. Six hours of screaming and crying and pain for both me and Bri. She was starting to fall asleep between contractions. Her hair was wet with sweat along with her skin. "Gavin?" I look over and see Hannah. She's holding Theo who's taking a nap on her shoulder. "Hey sis." I stand and softly and slowly grab Theo into my arms. "How is she? Theo didn't take this long." She smiles softly and sits near me. "You scared?" I look for Bri, to Theo, to Han. "Hell yeah. What if something goes wrong?" Han shakes her head and smiles. "She's been through child birth before. She's going to push through like she always does." I smile and look over just in time to see her eyes shoot open while she whimpers so softly. Ashley comes in just in time to check if it's time. "Bri. I hope you're ready. You're at a nine. I'm going to get the doctor. No pain killers. Right?" Bri nods and smiles and grabs for my hands. "I want mom you and Han here. Please." I can hear the pain in her voice and it starts to hurt me. "Okay. I'll go get her and give Theo to Adam." She smiles as I walk out.

~Bri POV~

His tall strong body walks out of the room just as another contraction hits. Han is by my side holding my hand tightly. "You ready to meet them?" She asks softly. I smile wide and nod as Gavin and my mother walk in. The doctor and Ashley follow close behind. "Okay Ms. Carlison, on three I want you to push with all you have okay?" I nod and grab Gavin's hand and my mother stands beside my head. "Okay. One. Two. Three." A loud scream fills the room falling from my lips. "Okay. One. Two. Three." More pain fills my small tired body. Both the doctor and Ashley's eyes go wide. "Brianna something has gone wrong. We have to do an emergency cesarean section. Gavin you can come with her but only you." My heart drops as Gavin in a dazed state starts putting the scrubs on. A feel tears falling from my eyes as I'm rolled away.

A small baby cry fills my ears. "It's a girl." The doctor hands Ashley my daughter to clean her up. Another cry. "Oh we have a boy here." I can hear the smile and I do the same. "Kalob." Gavin and I mutter together. His lips press against my sweaty head. "And here's the last girl." My babies are here. I smile and watch as Ashley brings two bundles. One blue. One pink. And hands Kalob to Gavin and my daughter to me. "Hi baby girl. Hi." I mutter running my fingers over her forehead. "Kenleigh." I whisper again. Gavin is all smiles as he holds Kalob. "Here's the last one Bri. They got you all stitched up so we are going to get you back to your room to nurse and hold your babies." I smile as I hand Gavin Kenleigh and kiss Kaeleigh's head softly. My body is moved back into my room where Han, Theo, my parents, Adam, Gavin's parents, and Jenna. She won't look at me. And I'm glad. I honestly can't believe she came here. "Okay Brianna here's the girls. Gavin still has your boy." Ashley smiles down at me as I do the same moving my girls so they can nurse. Everyone watches in awe. Gavin walks in holding Kalob as tightly as he can. "Hi baby." He looks over at me and sits in the rocking chair near my bed. "You did it baby. I'm so proud of you." Tears run down both our faces. "You helped me more than you know." Everyone except Jenna awe's. The girls are done so I start to burp them when my mother stand and grabs for Kenleigh. "Kenleigh." I whisper at her. "That's beautiful baby girl. I'll burp her. You feed little boy over there." I smile at her and watch as Gavin slowly lays Kalob on my chest then takes Kaeleigh slowly. This is my family. This is me now. I did it. I survived high school while a mother. I survived the attack. I survived being pregnant with triplets.

~sorry it's a short chapter. The next chapter is the last. But don't worry. There will be a sequel! Okay bye now.~

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