Chapter Twelve

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~One Week Later~

Gavin and I climbed into Hannah's car while I asked question after question about Theo and how he was and what he did and everything. Hannah had known about Gavin propsing, so now we were on our way to my parents house, where Theo was waiting to see us. When we pulled up I jumped out of the car seeing Theo on the porch. When my mother pointed me out he started running to me. I picking him up spinning him around. "MOMMY!" I felt the happy tears rising. I hated being away from him. When I sat him down he grabbed my left hand and pointed at the ring. "You marry daddy?" His eyes lit up and I felt Gavin's hand on my hip. "We will soon bubby." Theo clapped jumping up and down hugging both Gavin and I. I walked to my parents and they both hugged me tight and that's when I saw Emma's car pull up. I smiled and handed Theo to Gavin walking to the car. Emma stepped out looking upset. "I'm sorry Bri but he really wanted to see him.." I cocked my head to the side until I saw him climb out of the car. "What the hell! No get out! You are not his father!" I screamed feeling my blood boil. "Be calm down." Evan says getting out of the car making me want to scream even more. "Leave." I growled. Emma gave me a look telling me to give it up but I wouldn't. "You don't care about him! You haven't come around for two fucking years! Now you decide you want to after bumping into Gavin and I in Florida?! Why!? He is doing just fine without you!" I screamed causing everyone to stare at me. Adam looked at the porch and saw Theo sitting in Gavin's lap. "He's my son too damnit! Just let me fucking see him!" He yelled back. I clenched my jaw seeing Emma nod. "You can see him now. But you have to prove you want to be in his life." I spat walking back to my family. I grabbed up Theo and took him inside with Adam and Gavin close behind. I sat Theo down and sat on the floor with him. Adam sat in front of me looking at Theo. "Who that mommy?" Theo pointed at Adam. I sighed as Adam spoke up, "I'm your daddy sweetie." I rolled my eyes seeing Theo shake his head. "No, that's my daddy!" He pointed at Gavin who was standing against the wall. Adam's face changed, I knew something bad was about to happen. "Theo why don't you go upstairs and play in the play room?" He giggled running up the stairs. Adam stood, standing over me. "How dare you let him think that man is his fucking father!" He stood so I couldn't get up making me scared. I tried getting up but he put his hands on my shoulders. "Fucking tell me!" He screamed causing me to flinch. Gavin came and pushed him off me so I could stand. "I didn't want him calling him daddy but after awhile no matter what anyone said he believed that this was he daddy. You were the one who fucking left him without a dad!" I yelled getting in his face. "Oh you love making me look like the bad guy don't you! You're such a stuck up slut!" With that my hand connected with his cheek. Gavin grabbed me as I started kicking and screaming. But this time Hannah and my parents and Emma had come in, Evan was upstairs with Theo. My dad helped Gavin pull me away and calm me down a little thats when Gavin and Adam started yelling. I saw Adam raise his fist and I bolted between the two taking the blow to the temple. I fell on the floor everything slowed and I felt a bad pain. Gavin's voice was yelling my name and I heard Theodore yelling mommy over and over again. That's when everything went black.

I could hear voices. One stuck out more than anything. "Mommy wake up!" I willed my eyes open looking over at my baby. "Mommy's awake hunny." My voice was hoarse but his eyes lit up as he crawled in the bed with me. I made sure he didn't pull the IV's out and saw Gavin smile as he came and sat beside me. "How are you feeling?" I shurgged still feeling a dull pain in my right temple. Just then a doctor walked in with a smile on her face seeing Theo in the bed with me. "Hello Ms. Carlison I'm doctor Ryans, here it says you were hit in the head witch just so happened to knock you out for two days. Everything else seems fine, but we do want to say congrats on your pregnancy." Gavin and I gasped and I couldn't help but smile. "You're only about a week along but we can make an apointment for three weeks for your one month check up." I nodded and looked at Gavin who seemed to be in shock. A smile formed when the nurse left to get the discharge papers and get the appointment ready. "I'm going to be a daddy!" I laughed and looked at Theo, "Hey bubba?" "What mommy?" I laughed at him and kissed his cheek, "You're going to be a big brother!" His face was priceless! He looked at my belly and his eyes got wide. Doctor Ryans came back in and laughed at Theo who was poking my belly, eyes still wide. Gavin filled out the papers and after a couple hours we left to go to our home.

When we walked in I saw boxes and I coulnd't help but smile. I looked down and my ring and then my belly. Things were finally going right! I walked into the kitchen and heard Theo scream and ran into the kitchen. "MOMMY! SPIDER!!!" I laughed at his reaction and took off my shoe following him to his bedroom where the spider was making a web on his wall I smacked it and he hugged me tighly. "You're my hero mommy!" I smiled wide and bent down wrapping my arms around him. "I love you bubby." I cooed in his ear making him giggle. "I love you too mommy!" With that he let go of me and started playing with his toys. I walked back into the kitchen grabbing some chicken from the freezer thawing it and boiled some water. I was craving pasta and Theo loved chicken noodles as he called it. I threw the noodles and began making my homemade sauce. Gavin was in the shower and soon both boys came down freshly clean. "Hello there boys, wanna help with dinner?" I smiled at Gavin as he came and pecked my lips. "Sure baby, whatcha need help with?" I laughed picking up Theo. "Theo will you set the table for mommy?" He nodded his head and I grabbed the plates in his arms watching him set them like the big boy he was becoming. People say that kids go through a fase where they are terrors, I mean Theo has his moments, but he's a very good listener. Gavin and I made the salad and finished up the pasta. We all sat down and enjoyed our first meal as a true family.

"Bri baby come here!" I heard Gavin call from the hall. I walked down and saw Theo clutching the teddy bear I had given him, the one my parents gave me when I was his age. He was asleep on the floor so I gently moved him to his race car bed and pulled the covers over him kissing his head. I walked out not before turning the baby monitor on (I want to hear if he has a bad dream, I worry!) and walking out of the room. I gently closed the door and saw Gavin smiling. "You're an amazing mother!' I blushed and hugged him. "Are you ready for another baby running around?" I looked at him and saw a small smile form. "Surprisingly yes. I'm excited to be a daddy." I laughed and we went to our room, watched some TV until we fell asleep cuddled together.

Not Ready For This LifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ