Chapter Four (Eight Weeks Along)

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My father stood shocked, holding me tighly, as if he was scared I would disapear. "Where is the father?" His voice was rough now, as if he was angry. "He.. He left me daddy..." I again broke down, my father gripped me tight and breathed out. "I'm going to kill him." His arms released me and he started walking to his car. I ran after him getting in front of him. "No! Daddy don't! I love him!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. He stopped and looked deep into my bloodshot eyes. He grabbed my tightly and I felt the tears falling on my neck. "Did he hurt you Brianna? I mean other than leaving, did he put his hands on you?" I shook my head and held him tightly. "How about you go upstairs and grab some clothes and stay with me for tonight?" I pulled back and smiled slightly and nodded going inside grabbing a couple outfits and ran back to him, climbing in the car as we drove away.

"Brianna please just call them and make an appointment." My father handed me my phone with the number already typed in. "But that's your work daddy, what if they take this out on you?" He let out a chuckle and pushed some falling hair from my eyes. "They won't. Call." He pushed the phone to me and I finally took it, clicking the call button. 

Hello this is East Avanue Hospital how may we help you?

Hi, um I was wondering if I could come in for an ultrasound... I just found out and I need to know my baby is okay.

Of course hun, can I get your name, phone number, childs fathers name, your parents names and the address of where you are staying.

Brianna Carlison my phone number is ***-***-****, the baby's fathers name is Adam James, and my parents names are Kate Grayson and Gary Carlison. I'm staying at 154 North Main Street.

Okay Brianna, we have an open spot at three thirty tomorrow afternoon, does that work for you?

Um... (looks at dad and he nods since the call is on speaker) Yes that works.

Okay, you might want to come in early and fill out all the paper work but other than that we will see you tomorrow.

Thank you. 

With that I clicked end call and stood up walking over to the kitchen grabbing a poptart. As I sat down next to dad on the couch he laughed. I smiled at him and took a bite from my poptart. "Oh you haven't changed much have you sweetie?" I shook my head. "The only difference is I am 15, pregnant, and alone." I took another bite looking at the TV which had Tom And Jerry on. "You're not alone Brianna. I'm here for you. And I'm sure your mother will be just as suportive." I shook my head and looked over at him. "When I first brought Adam to the house she came home and didn't even notice I wasn't the only one in the house. I bet she won't notice I weigh a million pounds then a screaming baby." I slide down so I'm laying down, dad moves a pillow in his lap so I can rest my head there. "She sure has changed." I nodded and we talked for hours until sleep took over me.

I opened my eyes streaching my arms realizing I was no longer in the couch. I looked around and saw I was in a bedroom. I smiled when I saw a note at the edge of the bed. Morning sleeping beauty! I had to do a couple things, I'll be back in time to pick you up for your appointment. Call your mom, tell her to meet you at the hosptial. She needs to know just as much as I did. I love you baby girl. I smiled and climbed from the comfy large bed. I opened my door and saw that dad had moved me to the second floor. I saw he had a note on the door across from mine. Look in here and tell me what you think, I have a bad feeling that your mother wont let you stay, so would this work for a nursery? I laughed and opened the door seeing a nice sized room with a nice sized closet. I loved it! We just had to desgin it then it will be perfect! I walked back to 'my' room and checked my phone, one new message. Hoping it was Adam I unlocked it and clicked my messaged. Nope. It was a girl I had somewhat befriended while with Adam. wanna hang? Free today & wanna no u betr. I replied telling her to meet me at the mall at six. I needed to talk to someone who I somewhat trusted. I just hope Adam comes back.. We need to talk. I dialed his number and waited. No answer. "Hey, you've reached Adam. Call me later and theres a chance I will answer." I didnt notice I was crying until my phone began to slip because of my tears. "Adam please call me back, we need to talk about this. Please." With that I hung up and laid on my bed. Soon I heard the door open downstairs which made me remember I still hadn't showered. I got up and saw I had a bathroom connected to my room, so I jumped in and got clean. When I was done I dried my hair and threw it up in a messy bun, leaned over the toilet vomiting, slipped on my baggy sweatpants and Adam's hoddie again. I slipped on my Vans and went downstairs where dad stood, along with my mother. "You came to your father before me?" She yelled stepping closer to me. I felt the tears rising and I tried pushing them back. "You wouldn't have even listened! You would have told me to stop babbling as you brought another guy home!" I screamed holding my belly. She seemed taken aback by my comment. "Hell the night I brought over the father of your unborn grandbaby you didn't even flinch! It was like he wasnt there! I was gone three days with him and you didn't even notice!" I pushed past her with my phone and walet in hand. "Dad can we go to the hospital now? Its three and she said get there early." I opened the door and stepped out, followed by my father and mother. "I'll meet you there." 

"Brianna Carlison?" I stood up, getting looks of pitty from everyone around in the room. My parents and I headed back with the nurse. "Take a seat here and I'm going to ask you a few things, okay?" I nodded. "Does the father of the baby know?" "Yes." She nodded writing something down. "Your parents know?" I laughed and glanced back at them, my father had a hold of my mothers hand and I nodded. "I told my father the same day I told Adam, which is the baby daddy." She smiled and wrote more down. "Are you on birth control?" "No." "Did you use a condom the night of conseption?" I looked at the ground. "No." She looked at me, sorrow in her eyes. "Did you shower afterwards?" I shook my head again. "We didn't shower until the next day before school." "Okay that's all we need to know, how about you lay back and we will take a look at the baby." I nodded, she put some blue goop on my belly and began rubbing the camera across my belly. "See that white dot there?" I nodded smiling, that was my baby! My little bundle of joy! My mother came to my side and we both started crying. The nurse copied off the ultrasound pictures and handed them to me while she wiped the goop off. 

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