Chapter Twenty One ~July Fifteenth~

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~Bri POV~

My life is beyond perfect. Today I'm marrying the man of my dreams. I have four beautiful children. And we are all perfectly healthy.

Kalob, Kenleigh, and Kaeleigh are all laying on a blanket on the floor while Han, my mom, and Hans mom help me get ready and get ready themselves. "You have the girls dresses on your bed right?" Mom lets curls fall as she watches me. "Yes. Theo and Kalob's suits are hanging up in my closet." My hair is finally curled. But then Han takes over. Pinning piece by piece up until it looked perfect. My makeup was light and the cat eyes were perfect for once. My leggings and Gavin's dress shirt made me look funny. But it was all coming together. My skinny figure was back and unless you saw the scar you couldn't tell I've had four kids. I walked out and grabbed Kalob up and blew raspberries on his bare belly causing him to burst into giggles. "Morning baby boy!" I blow more raspberries on his belly before I grab one of the bottles of breastmilk and screw on a nipple. I pop it into his mouth and watch as he eats slowly. "Mom! Han! Grace!" I yell. They all come in and I hand Kalob and the bottle to Han. I pick up both Kaeleigh and Kenleigh and hand one to my mom and the other to Grace. "Can you guys feed them while I get their dresses and get Theo ready?" They all nod and find a place to sit. "Theo!" I yell and here he comes. Running as fast as he can. "Yes mommy?" He smiles at me looking so cute. "It's time to get ready for mommy and daddy's wedding." He grins real wide and hugs me making sure to avoid my scar. "Let's get to it mommy!"

The girls are wearing fluffy white dresses with a purple ribbon tied around their waists and my boys have their little tuxedos on with purple bow tie. Han is wearing a long white dress with a purple ribbon kinda like my girls. "Okay now we have only thirty minutes until we need to be at the lake house. Get that dress on and let's load these babies up." Grace says as they come out in their dresses. With help from all three girls I slip on the beautiful corset top dress that flows. I couldn't stop smiling once I saw myself.

I grabbed two car seats and the diaper bags before hurrying inside. I sat them down and saw the already decorated wagon waiting for the babies. I smiled and started putting on my jewelry and sat all three babies in their spots and showed Theo just how to pull them. Now. It's time.

I take my fathers arm and began the long walk down the isle where Gavin is waiting. Theo walks down pulling the wagon with his two sisters and brother who are sleeping soundly. Next is my mom and Gavin's mom Grace. Then Han and Adam. Now me and dad. "You ready baby girl?" My lungs take in as much air as they can and I nod. "Yes daddy. I'm ready."

"Do you Brianna, take Gavin to be your beloved husband?" Tears spring to my eyes. "I do." I say in almost a whisper causing Gavin to smile. "Do you Gavin, take Brianna to be your beloved wife?" His smile grows and he leans closer to me "I do." Tears start to slip from my eyes. as we slip on the rings that bind us for life "Then by the power invested in me by the state of Texas, I now pronouce you husband and wife!" Without another thought Gavin and I press together and wrap our arms around each other. "EW!" Theo screams as we brake apart. "Ladies and gentelmen, may I introduce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Williams!" Everyone stands and cheers and Theo runs to us. Gavin grabs him up and I lean down to grab Kenleigh and Kalob and hand Kaeleigh to Gavin. "Family photo!" Hannah screams. My parents, Gavin and Hans parents and Han all gather aroun dand we take a family photo.

"Okay more photos!" Han yells as she pulls me over to this beautiful area. Purple and white fabrics were hung perfectly. "Okay the newly weds first!" Han yells. Gavin and I do many strange but cute poses before we add the children and then just him and the kids, me and the kids, me and my parets, me and Han, Gavin and Han, me and my parents, Gavin and his parents, and another of all of us, and one of my and Adam and Theo.


Since we just had the babies Gavin and I decided to just spend a week at a hotel. After a long stressful day we finally arrived. "Babe!?" I yelled from the bathroom, slipping my dress off my thin body. "Ye-" Gavin stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me. I felt a blush creep acrossed my cheeks. "Holy shit.. I have the most beautiful wife in the world." He mummers as he touches my bare side. A soft moan leaves my lips as his quickly connect to mine. The kiss is different. The passion filled my body as a coat of goosebumps followed suit. His hands roam my sides as I slip off his jacket and begin to unbutton his shirt. "I love you." Escapes both our lips as his shirt falls off his strong long arms. His lips disconnect with mine but they don't leave my body for long. Sweet soft kisses cover my neck as he mummers "Jump." Into my ear. I do as I'm told and I wrap my arms around in neck and my legs around his waist. Gracefully he makes his way through the suite and into our bedroom. He slowly laid me down and kissed my lips softly. "Today you made me the happiest man alive. We have a beautiful family and everything I could ask for. I love you Brianna Moore Williams." His lips were back on mine and that is when I realized that I could handle this life. I was ready. I can so this. "I love you too."

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