Chapter One

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Beep... Beep... Beep...

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock and my cat pawing at my back. I sat up and reached over for my glasses and slipped them on. Being able to see around my room. I threw the covers off my bed and climbed out of bed. Slumping over to my closet with my cat, Bipp close behind me as I got him some food, setting it on my window seat for him. I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and loose-fitting black and red flannel then walked to my bathroom hopping in the shower. 

As soon as my feet hit the tile I felt myself begin to fall. I grabbed for the counter and caught myself. Letting out a sigh of relief I dried off and straightened my hair then pinning my bangs back. I slipped my clothes on, putting on light makeup then putting my glasses back on. I headed down the stairs, grabbed my bag, an apple, and my shoes. Putting the apple in my mouth I slipped my black worn out Vans on and put my bag on my back locking the door and leaving for school.

I unlocked my locker and sat my bag down grabbing my World Civ. book, notebook, and my pencil and phone. I closed my locker and tried turning around, but my body connected with a solid one. Sending me down to the floor, but not before my head could collide with the lockers. "I'm sorry! Are you okay?" I looked up, grabbing my head to see Adam. His dark brown eyes staring at me. I blinked and pulled myself up. "Hi, um yeah I'm fine. Um, I have to get to class." I picked up my books and started walking away, hearing his deep chuckle. God why did he have to be so perfect?

The school day was over, so I hurried back to my locker, getting my bag and putting what I would need in it. "Excuse me?" That voice. Turning I saw him. "Hi, I didn't catch your name when I knocked you down earlier, and by the way I am so sorry. How is you head?" I smiled and looked down. "I'm Bri. And I'm fine really. I took some asprin so I'm doing just fine." I looked back up at him since he's 6'2. He smiles too and I notice something. When I'm about to say something a girl comes up and grabs Adam's hand. "Babe, why are you talking to this loser?" She giggled and I'm not lying it sounded like a dying cat. I crindged and grabbed my stuff closing my locker and pushing past her. "I have to go. Bye Adam, oh and by the way, if you have something to say about me, say it to me. I'm a person." I turned around and walked out of the building and back to my home.

I was close to home when I saw a car was following me. I pushed the hair from my face and walked faster. It was still light out but I didn't live in the greatest part of town. As it pulled up next to me I noticed it was Adam. "Hey, are you okay? I'm sorry for what Jenna said to you, she's kind of a bitch." I rolled my eyes and leaned across to him. "Seems like you do a lot of appoligizing." I pushed myself back and started walking back home. "Bri please! She's not even my girlfriend. Come on, we can go for ice cream or something. Please?" I rolled my eyes and opened the door climbing in. "Fine." I sat my bag on the floor between my feet bobbing my head to the beat of the music. 

"Adam that's not even true!" I laughed as he pointed his spoon at me. He chuckled and shoved a spoonfull of ice cream in his mouth. "It's like your an alien Bri! You know everything!" I shook my head knowing I didn't know one thing. "Hey, what's wrong? Did I say something?" His hand reached across to mine and I smiled slightly. "There is a lot I don't know Adam. I know my studies yes, but people. I will never understand them." I state as I shove more ice cream in my mouth. Adam's face changed a little knowing I was talking about him. "I know the feeling. My studies are hard enough for me to understand, let alone people." I smiled and stood up, throwing my ice cream away. Adam stood up when I did and as I went to turn around I saw he was pressed against me. I felt a blush rise to my cheeks and I couldn't help but push hair out of my face. "You're so beautiful." Adam whispered causing my blush to deepen. He grabbed my hand and we walked out to his car. As he turned on the car, Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran came on. Adam smiled and looked over at me, leaning across the space between us pressing his soft lips against mine. Our lips moved in time together, but I knew this wasn't going to last. His hand cupped my cheek as we broke apart, breathless. His eyes locked with mine and a small smile spread across his lips.

We drove around our small town for a while until it started to get dark. "I should be getting home, my mom is not a very happy woman if I'm not there with dinner. If you want I can walk, since I live in-" Adam grabbed my hand and smiled at me. "I'll drive you home, but I don't want to stop hanging out with you, mind if I help you with dinner?" I didn't know what to say, I lived in a shack that was more than likely the size of one room in his house. "Okay, but my place is small, and messy.." I looked out the window and felt a small squeeze on my hand. I looked over and he was smiling, still holding my hand, and driving towards where he found me earlier. 

Adam smiled a little as I unlocked the door and turned around. "I once again a-" Before I could finish his lips crashed onto mine. I kissed him back with all tha passion I had in my body, as I felt him doing the same. As we broke once again breathless I saw a gleam in his eyes that I had once seen in my fathers when I was younger. I smiled and grabbed his hand leading him inside. I saw my cat laying in the middle of the hall sleeping. I smiled and sat my bag down on the floor by the door, slipping my vans off. "I'll be right back okay?" I turned to Adam, who smiled and nodded. With that I went down the hall into my room grabing some sweatpants and a t-shirt. I pulled my hair into a lose messy ponytail and went back down the hall. I saw Adam looking at the scrapbook that I had left out on the coffee table. Well shit. I walked over to the couch and sat beside him. "Is this your dad?" He asked pointing to the man holding me tightly with a huge smile on his face. I smiled looking at how happy we once were. "Yes, I was three there." I felt his hand grabbed mine and I knew he was worried I would break down. As Adam goes to turn the page my picture that I had hidden falls. I reach for it, hoping I would still be the only one who knows this picture exsists. But Adam saw as it landed on the floor by him. He reached down, turning it over, and there is the baby picture of me, my father, and my mother. They were all smiles holding their bundle of joy. "Why do you hide this?" Adam hands me the photo and I show him the back.

"Brianna, I love you and I'm sorry I left you, but me and your mother were a bad combo and you don't need that, I love you more than anything. If you need me, call me. ***-***-**** Don't forget me Bri. You are my whole world no matter what happens between your mother and I. Stay strong. I love you."

Adams face changed at the sight of this letter. "He sent this to me a month ago. I want to call but I'm scared. If my mom found out he tried talking to me I would be under watch." I shoved the picture back into its hiding place. "Can we make dinner now?" I ask standing, Adam nods and we walk in the kitchen starting out meal.

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