Chapter Eight

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"Okay Ms. Carlison what we are going to do is keep you and Theodore for today just to make sure you understand and are ready to do this, okay? You can leave tomorrow whenever you want." I nodded and saw that he had woken up (he was laying in his little bed thing next to my bed) I got up and grabbed him up and felt his diaper, wow... He sure does pee a lot in his sleep! I laid him back down and grabbed the diaper bag that Adam had brought when he went to get clothes and stuff from home. As I started to take him diaper off he began screaming, I looked over at the nurse and she smiled. "It's normal for them to cry when you take their diapers off, don't worry, you're doing great!" I smiled and continued to change him. When I was done I tossed the diaper in the trash can beside my bed and just watched him. He started to fuss a bit so I curled my pinkie and put it to his mouth, where he gladly began sucking. I unbuttoned my hospital gown and started breastfeeding. The nurse closed the door and moved the curtain so no one could see. "Babe?" I heard Adam's whisper and I couldn't help but smile, he walked in holding a bag from Wendy's and I smiled even wider! He leanded down kissing my cheek softly and watched Theo. "I'll leave you three to be a family" The nurse slipped out of the rooom, I stood carefuly and sat in the rocking chair near my bed, making sure my IV's were fine and not jumbled. "So when can we get out of this death house?" Adam asked sitting on what has been his bed since we came here, (its one of those pull out uncomfy chairs) "The nurse said we can leave tomorrow, they just want to make sure we have this whole parenting thing down, and that Theo is okay." He nodded, getting up and coming over to me, "I love you Brianna, you gave me something I never thought possiable, a new pair of eyes to see the world." I felt the tears rising in my eyes just as Theo stopped sucking, I moved him to my shoulder and kissed Adam softly, "I love you Adam, I know this happened sooner than anyone planned, but I'm happy that we have our little baby boy." He smiled and reached out for Theo, "I'll burp him, you eat!" He kissed my head and grabbed a burp cloth before taking my spot in the rocking chair as I climbed back in bed and began eating.

"Adam will you hand me my brestpump, it's by the window." Adam grabbed it, making sure to be quiet since I had just got Theo to sleep and it was four in the morning. We planned on leaving at ten or so, I just don't know. I hooked myself up to it and relaxed as much as I could watching an episide of Pretty Little Liars. The pump got more than I thought, I was able to put enough in three bottles. I put them in the cooler bag the hospital gave me and rolled on my side seeing Adam asleep in his chair. I laid on my back and slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Hannah let me change damnit! Then we can talk about what I'm doing for school!" I whisper/yelled grabbing a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. As I slipped on the shirt I felt weird. My belly was flatening and it was something I wasn't used to. When I walked out I saw Adam holding Theo while he cried loudly. "Hannah hand me that bag." I pointed to the cooler bag. I grabbed a bottle and handed it to Adam. "After two ounces burp him, then give him the rest if he's still hungry." He nodded smiling. "Well then mommy!" Hannah laughed as she helped me get everything in bags and the carseat ready, I looked as Adam and saw he was just rocking Theo. "Ready to go home babe?" I asked smiling at my boys, he nodded and we buckled him in. I grabbed the diaper bag, the carseat, and my purse and walked out the door, with Hannah and Adam by my side.

"Welcome home!" My parents yelled when we walked in the house causing Theo to jump a bit, we all laughed and i handed him to my mom while I unpacked my pump and the extra brestmilk bottles, putting them in the fridge. When I turned around I saw Adam with a smile on his face. "You're and amazing mommy Bri!" He kissed me gently causing me to smile into the kiss. "God I love you Adam!"

~~~Adam's POV~~~

As I turned the shower off I heard Bri's TV show playing quietly. I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked out seeing Theo laying on her chest, both of them sleeping. I couldn't help but smile and feel as if I was going to cry. This was my world now. My son and if she says yes, my fiance'. I pulled on my boxers then walked over the Bri and Theo. I carefully removed him from her chest and laid him in his cradle. I then crawled in bed and pulled her to me. "I love you Bri." I whipsered as I fell asleep with my world in my arms.

~~~Sorry it was so short it's kinda a filler.. Hope you guys like it!~~~

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