Chapter 17 - Conclusion

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"...Are you sure you've gotten everything?"

Sunstreaker chuckled, putting a hand on his brother's shoulder. "I'm sure, Sideswipe... I'll probably be saying sorry forever now, but I can promise that I'll contact you more often. And who knows? Maybe one of these days I'll just come back for a visit and not on business so I don't have a time limit."

Sideswipe smiled. "I'd appreciate that..."

"Be careful with that!"

The twins turned as Knockout shouted, guiding Strongarm and Drift as they carried Oversight's stasis pod into the ship. "We don't want to take any chances."

"Which is why you added a triple-secure lock on the pod, had them put a foot-thick piece of ice around the stasis pod itself and then requested it be put in the freezing bay of the ship until we get back to Cybertron, right...?" Sunstreaker teased.

The medic's optics narrowed. "You never can be too careful with these cons..."

"Uh huh... Starstrike, time to go!"

"Five more cycles...!?" Starstrike whined, poking her head out of the fort she and Flashdrive had made out of couch cushions.



"Looks like everything's all set up." Bumblebee announced as he came up. "It's been a real pleasure, especially having Starstrike here to keep Flash busy..."

Sunstreaker shook his head slowly. "...I just can't believe she's yours... But I guess that's what Knockout's report is for."

"Right..." Knockout muttered. "...The report."

"You'll do fine, Knockout. You've spoken in front of crowds before."

"It's not the crowds I'm concerned about..." he shrugged. "At this point, I'm more focused on getting Wildbreak set straight, if I can."

Sunstreaker placed a hand on Bumblebee's shoulder. "You guys just focus here on getting Steeljaw brought in again. Now that I've encountered him myself, I don't feel good letting him just roam the galaxy."

"We'll get him." Strongarm informed as she and Drift came back down the ramp. "You can count on it."

"Good...Alright, time's up, Star!"

"Aww...!" Starstrike crawled out of the fort and Flash followed, the two little bots giving hugs before Starstrike walked over to Sunstreaker and took his hand. "Okay, I'm ready."

"We'll be back one of these days... See you all later."

"Bye everybody!" Starstrike shouted as she ran up the ramp. She paused at the top, waving to Sideswipe. "Bye, Mr. Sideswipe!"

"Bye, Star!" Sideswipe replied, then lowered his voice to a whisper. "She called me 'Mr. Sideswipe...!' I feel so old...!"

"Oh please, imagine how I feel..." Knockout muttered, giving the younger bot a wink. "Keep these guys outta trouble, Bumblebee."

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