Chapter 3 - So...Hi, I Guess?

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By the next morning, Bumblebee had mostly recovered from his ordeal, though he promised Fixit that he'd take it easy for a few days. The others had given him an explanation of what he'd missed, and Bumblebee almost wanted to agree with Strongarm, that it wasn't possible, but here she was... Proof of the impossible. He couldn't help but notice the way she placed herself against him, he'd even woken up with her arms around his waist.

He finally requested to go on a simple, short, early-morning patrol with Drift, just to get back into the routine. Fixit allowed it, and Drift promised to return Bumblebee if their leader showed any signs of fatigue, much to Bee's chagrin.

The virocon slept until mid-morning. Sideswipe watched as the little cybertronian sat up and stretched, then looked around the scrapyard curiously.

"Mornin', pipsqueak." he greeted. "You're not going to attack us again, are you?"

The virocon shook her head. She swung her legs back and forth as she looked around the scrapyard again. "...Where's Bumblebee?" She asked after a moment of searching.

"Out on patrol with Drift. He'll be back soon."

The virocon looked disappointed, but she gave a nod.

"My name's Sideswipe, by the way."

"I am... Um ...I don't know."

Strongarm came over to the virocon. "I am Cadet Strongarm."

"I know...You sure like to shoot at people, don't you?"

Sideswipe stifled a laugh as Strongarm stiffened at the remark, then they turned as Bumblebee and Drift rolled back into the scrapyard. "See? I told you."

The virocon got up onto her feet and waved at Bumblebee as he transformed back into robot mode. "You're okay!"

"I'm fine." Bumblebee replied. "It takes more than...whatever that was to keep me down."

"Okay!" She hopped off of the trailer. "Can I explore, please?"

"Fine, off you go. But stay in the yard."

She gave an excited giggle and disappeared into the stacks, and Bumblebee shook his head. "...She's going to be a handful."

"That's an understatement." Strongarm muttered. "...What do we do about her, Sir?"

"Does anything need to be done?" Drift asked. "Odd arrival or not, she is still an autobot."

"Not yet, she's not. She doesn't even have any formal training, or even a symbol of allegiance!"

"Stop picking on her, Strongarm." Sideswipe defended. "You're the only one she didn't probe, so it's not like you even have a good reason to dislike her!"

"I don't know what to do about it yet, I need time... She's here, so we need to get used to it." The leader gave a sigh. "Being a virocon, she'd be much better suited for Cybertron...Not here."

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