Chapter 2 - The Protoform Attacks!

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"Bumblebee!" Russell shouted as Sideswipe came out of the groundbridge, bringing Bumblebee's unconscious form with him

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"Bumblebee!" Russell shouted as Sideswipe came out of the groundbridge, bringing Bumblebee's unconscious form with him. "Is he...?"

"He's alive." Sideswipe assured. "But I don't know for how long."

"Let me see him..." Fixit wheeled over, examining Bumblebee as Strongarm came through the Groundbridge, carrying another cybertronian.

"Who's that?" Denny asked. "A decepticon?"

"Not sure." Strongarm laid the limp form down. "After the mass broke away from the lieutenant, it turned into...this."

Fixit turned, gasping as he saw the other form. "A protoform...! And you said that it formed out of Bumblebee?"

"Yes... The lieutenant was in a lot of pain."

"What's a protoform?" Russell asked.

"Protoforms are a cybertronian's first stage of life, before we become unique individuals." Sideswipe replied. "But they're supposed to come from the Well of Allsparks, not... Other bots."

"Does this mean that Bumblebee was...pregnant?"

"No!" Strongarm informed. "It's not possible for cybertronians to reproduce from each other."

"I think our current situation proves it to be possible, Strongarm." Drift informed.

"...The Lieutenant has gone into a low-level stasis." Fixit reported. "His systems are repairing themselves, but it may take a while for him to get back up to full strength. His body and spark were put under a lot of strain."

"But he'll be okay?" Russell asked.


"Now all we have to do is figure out what to do with...This." Strongarm muttered, kicking the protoform a little with her foot.

"Don't do that!" Sideswipe argued, scooping up the body away from Strongarm's foot. "You might hurt it!"

"It's got no spark, Sideswipe. It can't without the Allspark granting it to them...It's just an empty shell."

"Empty shell or not, it's still cybertronian and should be taken care of." Denny replied. "Right, Fixit?"

Fixit gave his friend a glare. It was well-known that the minicon was against Denny touching his equipment, purely because Denny had the tendency to break it while trying to see how it worked.

"Yes...Put it down over there, Sideswipe. It's not like it can go anywhere."

Sideswipe carried the protoform over to a corner, leaning it down against one of the stacks. "Keep looking through the files, Fixit. There's gotta be something about this somewhere."

"What if there is not?" Drift asked. "Considering our long list of unusual occurances here on Earth, it is possible that this has never happened to a cybertronian before."

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