Chapter 7: Now What?

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Russell was the first to notice. The new teenager was wandering towards the Command Center, his gaze on the papers stapled together in his hands. "Okay, so I'm not asking you to help me cheat, Fixit, I just thought that maybe since you're a super smart robot from another planet, you might be able to help me understand my Math home..." He looked up, dropping the papers. "FIXIT!"

The minicon's head leaned back against the console, his optics closed and body limp. Russell ran over and shook the minicon a little in case he was just asleep, as his expression did not appear to be one of pain, but Fixit didn't respond. "C-Come on, Fixit, wake up! DAD!"

"What's the matter, Son?" Denny called.


That caught the collector's attention, and he was running up the ramp and towards Russell as the teen laid Fixit down on the floor. "What happened!?"

"I don't know!" Russell admitted, his eyebrows furrowing with concern as Fixit gave a faint moan. "Wait...Where's Flashdrive?"

"Flashdrive!?" Denny called, but there was no response. "...This is bad. I-I'll go look for her, you stay with Fixit in case he wakes up."

Denny hurried off into the yard, disappearing into the stacks.

Russell turned back to Fixit, shaking him a little bit more. "Come on, Fixit...!" He hissed.

The sound of wheels throwing gravel made him look up, and he saw the rest of the team enter the clearing, with Grimlock holding a struggling newcomer on his trailer and a second red bot also strapped to the trailer, though unconscious.

"Guys! Fixit's down and won't respond!"

"We gathered that much from him not responding to our calls." Bumblebee replied, "What happened?"

"I don't know! I was gonna ask him for help with my school, but then I found him like this!"

"Alright. Don't panic." Bumblebee looked around. "Where's Flashdrive?"

"My Dad's looking for her. She's probably working on another sculpture."


"Yeah, she made that metal sculpture the other day." Russell's eyebrows furrowed. "Didn't you see it when she was showing it off?"

Bumblebee didn't answer, instead turning towards the bot Grimlock was still holding. "We need to get Oversight in a stasis pod."

The lieutenant transformed into bot mode, "And to have Fixit look at Knockout here..."

Oversight glared at Bumblebee as he removed the audio inhibitor from her faceplate. "This is for your own good."

"Is it...?" Oversight grinned. "Or is it for your convenience...!? You don't want to remember, you don't even tell war stories because you're afraid you'll accidentally expose yourself! You're a vault of secrets...!"

"Come along, Oversight..." Drift murmured as he took the femme bot away.

A moan from the downed minicon and his optics fluttering open caught their attention again.


The minicon lifted his helm from the floor. "Ugh...Where is she...?" He mumbled.

"Who?" Sideswipe asked. "Who did this?"


"I should've known that little troublemaker was behind it!" Strongarm hissed. "I'll bet she's been planning this all-"

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