Chapter 4 - Ignorance

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Flashdrive scrambled to the top of a stack to look out over the Scrapyard, her optics following Bumblebee and the rest of the team as they left the yard and started down the street, until they turned a corner and were out of sight. "Why don't I get to go!?" She complained. "I didn't do anything wrong!"

"It's probably just that they think you're too young," Denny assured, "that's all."

Flashdrive groaned. "But it's so boring!"

"You can come help me keep an optic on the scanners!" Fixit suggested. "Just... don't touch anything."

Flashdrive hopped off of the stacks and walked over to the Command Center, taking a seat on the metal hull protruding out of the rock. "Do you think they'll find something?"

"I don't know...It's very peculiar, though. I've tried utilizing the Cybertronian Tech Detector to try to pick up their weapon or something to keep track of them, but it just keeps disappearing out of thin air!" The minicon gave a chuckle. "You know, that reminds me of a story..."

Because of her youth, Flashdrive lasted a little longer than the other bots did when it came to Fixit's long-winded stories, but even she eventually tired of it, and she managed to slip away without his notice. As she wandered the Scrapyard, searching for something to occupy her for the time being, she came across a section quarantined from the rest of the yard. A sign was hung over the entrance, reading Scrap Metal Pile in bold letters.

Amongst the piles were what appeared to be statues forged from the scrap metal, some of which were destinctly similar to members of the team, and Grimlock's name was painted on the bases. These were his sculptures...

...And Flashdrive wanted to try.

She stood there for a moment, trying to think about what she might want to make, and then once she had an idea, she rushed forward and started pulling pieces of metal out of the piles and making her own small pile in the center. "Okay...I need to find something for the heads..."


Leaves tumbled across the road as the team drove in single file. The air was cool and breezy, the sky overhead sunny. Perfect conditions for a good drive, but they were on a mission. "You still picking up the signal, Fixit?"

You're catching up to it, Lieutenant.


"So what kind of things do you think a virocon could bring to the team?" Sideswipe asked.

"Hacking, which she has already demonstrated." Strongarm muttered.

"Are you seriously still on that?"

"She's only half our size and managed to take down the entire team, Sideswipe, including you!"

"I was unprepared!" Sideswipe defended.

"And the rest of us were more or less alone." Drift agreed. "It is highly unlikely that she would attempt to attack all of us at once, even if she was doing it intentionally."


"Let's not focus on Flashdrive for now." Bumblebee replied. "Let's focus on the mission and finding that signal."

The scanners say you're right on top of them!

The team pulled to a stop, looking around and listening, but all they heard were birds chirping in the trees. Bumblebee transformed into robot mode, the rest of the team following his example. "Stay alert..." He murmured. "...It could be a trap..."

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