Part 5

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Five years have passed as Glenn and Aj went on a vacation to Los Angles and they went to the biggest zoo there. It was a beautiful holiday so far as no trouble has occured. Apart from the kids nearly getting lost because of them running about a lot.

The triplets are now 6 years old and are very healthy. Glenn even teaches them some fake wrestling at their house, on WWE 2K19. He doesn't trust the kids to acually do fake wrestling in the Would Wresling Enterainment.

At the zoo, they petted goats, sheep and horses because at a zoo they can sometimes have farm animals. Luna and Kana fed the Giraffes and Elephants, but Gabriel hidden bebind Aj because he was really afraid of the animals. He is only 6 like the girls, but they were braver than him.

Kane decided to put Gabriel's hand out to giraffe as it licked over his hand and moved away and left.
"Better Gabe?"
"Yeah! That was cute!" He happily cheered and hugged him tightly.

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