Family business...

Start from the beginning

Immediately he took the form of a handsome man, with blonde hair that were turning grey, grey eyes and he was wearing and expensive black suit.

“Now that’s way better.” He smiled at us revealing a row of white and straight teeth.

“We need weapons for little miss over here.” Andrew smiled at me and kissed my forehead. “And a suit.”

“What suit?” his father questioned.

“Something sexy!” Andrew laughed.

“Andy!” I cried out.

“I am joking baby girl.” Andrew laughed again and kissed my cheek.

Mister Carter turned around and lead the way to the back of the store. The room was enormous, built of stone and wood and it was extremely bright. That bright that it took me a few seconds to adjust to its brightness.

“There. Guns.” Mister Carter pointed left. “Over there. Knives and swords.” He pointed right. “Straight ahead, suits and uniforms. Make yourself at home.” He smiled kindly, turned himself into the old man I saw previously and walked back to his bookstore.

“So? Explore little girl.” Andrew slightly pushed me forward giving me a little heads up. Before following me he grabbed a suitcase that was placed on the floor and pulled it with him, following me.

We stepped in front of a huge bench that was surrounded by uncountable shelves.

“Which one?” Andrew pointed towards the bench. It was covered in guns…any form. I could see from shotguns to rifles. From rifles to handguns and from handguns to bowguns.

“Baby…” I trailed off.

“Wow…baby? Now that’s an improvement.” Andrew pointed out.

“Sorry.” I felt my cheeks blush and immediately looked away.

“I like it. Now tell me. Which one?”

“Baby…we have so many powers. Why do we need guns?” I shrugged not really believing he was trying to make me choose a gun. An actual gun.

“Baby girl you need to remember that the other side doesn’t play with our rules. They use people. Humans.”

“What?” I took a few steps backwards trying to clear my head and understand what he was trying to say. They use humans? No freaking way.

“Yes baby. They do. They throw them in the battle before they attack just to get us tired. Which means that it’s better to get it over with, shoot and fight with a gun rather than waist your powers as well as your time.”

“You are right but…Andrew I can’t kill innocent people. I can’t.” I cried out hugging him tightly. Feeling his chest vibrate, it wasn’t long till I realized he was laughing.

“Girl they are not innocent. They believe that by surrendering to their masters one day they will change them into vampires.” Andrew smiled sadly.

“What? They are willing to risk their lives just to turn into a blood sucking monster?” I yelled not trusting my ears.

“Or demons.” He sighed and let go of me only to turn towards a shelf where a pile of little boxes rested.

He grabbed a few and threw them inside the suitcase he was carrying around.

“Bullets? Don’t you think you are taking way too many?” I smiled sheepishly.

“I doubt it. You might be able to create things only by blinking but when you’ll be surrounded by so many creatures ready to eat you alive…believe me girl. You won’t have the time to blink.” He wrapped one arm around my waist and held me tight to his body.

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