Seokjin chuckled at the way Jungkook was turning red from just talking about the 'hypothetical' situation. "I mean, I was married to a woman and liked woman all my life, so that wouldn't mean I was developing romantic feeling for this man right, hypothetically speaking?" Jungkook exclaimed and it was clear how confused and conflicted he was but Seokjin wanted to laugh, not because it was hilarious but because he went through the same thing awhile back. 

"Well hypothetically yes."  Seokjin said noticing the defeated look on Jungkook's face. "But that's not a bad thing Jungkook, wanting what you want is normal, don't ever feel ashamed to have feelings for someone of the same gender." Seokjin expressed to Jungkook. 

"But I had a wife, and I have a son, wouldn't that be strange?" Jungkook questioned, unsure of how to embrace what he was feeling and all Seokjin could do was sigh seeing Jungkook in utter confusion. "Maybe you could be bisexual." He suggested and Jungkook eyes went wide at the idea, it's never crossed his mind, he's never once found himself attracted to a male like he was to Jimin so he found that idea preposterous.  

"Okay, look this weekend come out with me and Joonie. We'll take you to a night club okay. No pressure of dating, just find a babysitter, and enjoy a drink with us, dance a little, just be stress-free for once. It's gonna be okay Jungkook, you'll figure your feelings out and I'll help in anyways I can, trust me." Seokjin exclaimed and Jungkook just nodded, sulking to himself but feeling a litter better than he did earlier. 

Two days later and everything was back to normal, Yoongi was extra lovey dovey with Jimin, bringing him flowers and chocolates, making passionate love to him and constantly whispering sweet words into his ear at random times, creating this beautiful illusion that he was in heaven with his boyfriend and that there was nothing that could ruin it.

Jimin didn't ride with Hoseok that afternoon to soccer practice, they actually haven't really talked since the math teacher accused Yoongi of cheating. They kept their distance for as long as they could but the two did work together and coached soccer teams on the same days which made it impossible to avoid each other. 

Yoongi parked his car and kissed his boyfriend, nibbling on Jimin's bottom plump lip. "Mmhh baby, people will see us!" Jimin squealed under his lovers touches. The two were so lost in each others mouths that they didn't notice a car parking right next to them. Jimin was straddling Yoongi in the convertible, grinding and devouring each other when a car alarm startled them making the two separate quickly. 

Jimin glanced over to see that it was Hosoek's car and the back of his raven hair was noticeable as he walked away towards the field, Yoongi was grabbing at Jimin's face, kissing his boyfriends lips again and earning sweet giggles from him before parting was suggested. The two stepped out of the car and the coach rushed down the field while Yoongi hung out by the bleachers where the parents gathered.

"Hey!" Jimin said to Hoseok who didn't even glance at his direction. "Hobi I'm not mad, you probably thought that you saw Yoongi and.." Jimin paused when Hoseok turned to angrily glared at him with fury filled eyes, "Get the hell away from me." Hoseok snapped before marching away from Jimin to finish prepare the field for his team.

Jimin frowned until his attention was caught by Jaehyun and Jungkook who were approaching him along the green artificial field. "Good afternoon coach Jimin! Look, I've been practicing the tricks you should us and I think I got it down now." Jaeyhun cheered happily and quickly demonstrating his attempt of the advanced dribble. He obviously wasn't doing it perfectly but the coach admired the cute tiny kids determination.

"Hi Jungkook!" Jimin greeted the taller male who felt himself being knocked down to his knees with his beautiful features the coach was blessed with. Jungkook smiled back nervously, it was so cute in Jimin's eyes how flustered he would get by just one look unaware of how conflicted the father was internally about being this attracted to him.

Jungkook walked to take his seat next to Yoongi, and the blue haired male clearly had jealously written all over his face as he sat folding his arms over his chest, staring at his small boyfriend who was obviously smitten with the father. 

A few minutes into the practice and Jungkook was on his phone when he saw another coach make his way to the bleachers for a drink of his water bottle. "I'm sorry Yoongi. I thought that's what you wanted, please don't be mad at me, I really miss you." The other said to the male that was clearly Jimin's boyfriend. 

Jungkook kept his attention on his phone, not wanting them to know he was eavesdropping, he liked listening in on others conversations, it was his only source of gossip.

"Stop talking to me Jimin will see and get suspicious." The blue haired male exclaimed under his breathe and Jungkook could see from the corner of his eyes that the other coach was pouting. "Will you come to my house tonight? I know you miss me, you can't stop watching me no matter how hard you try." The coach said flirtatiously. 

"Yeah, I'll sneak away and come by babe, prepare yourself for an amazing night." Yoongi chuckled refusing to glance in his direction, his eyes were on Jimin who was oblivious in what was happening because he was being attentive to the children practicing.  

Jungkook angrily gripped his phone so hard he almost crushed it hearing the two giggle and sneak behind Jimin's back."What the fuck is this bitch cheating on him?! Who the fuck would cheat on that beautiful angelic looking man?"  He questioned. 

Without hiding the hatred and jealously in his face he glared in the direction of the two despicable males. They were smiling hard at each other that they didn't even notice that there was people listening in and growing frustrated by their shameless behavior. 

Jungkook was shaking the rest of the practice, he wanted to punch Yoongi's face repeatedly for disrespecting Jimin like that but he held onto his rage so tightly. He didn't understand why he was so furious, it wasn't his relationship anyways but it infuriated Jungkook because he believed that Jimin was the type of man that needed constant tender love and undivided attention from his lover, not a backstabbing bitch of a boyfriend.

Coach Jimin || Jikookजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें