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I heard my name …

My eyes drifted to Cad he was reaching out a hand to me and I just shook my head barley noticing the tears that fell down my face.

I could see James he looked confused, Bane and Alyce looked sorry but the one face I wanted to see was turned away from me staring at his soul mate. I turned and walked out the door.

Angrily wiping the tears from my face, so much for promises I thought bitterly as I ran to the garage. I ran to the familiar shape in the corner and threw my leg over my motorcycle not hesitating to start it.

I was about to leave the garage when a figure stood in my way. I slammed on the brakes so I wouldn’t run them over.

“I’m sorry” where the first words from his mouth.

I shook my head as a new wave of sobs threatened to spill from my mouth but I pushed them down. I couldn’t bring myself to say anything; I mean what could I say? Thanks for giving me hope and then stomping on it. You’re awesome.

“Belle I was just caught off guard please talk to me.” Bryce took a step towards me his eyes pleading.

“There is nothing to say Bryce.” I said with a shaky voice revving my motorcycle itching to get out of here where I could cry in peace.

“Please Belle” Bryce’s pleads made my heart ache so I turned off the bike and crossed my arms.

I just nodded for him to continue and he breathed a sigh of relief. “I’ll keep my promise Belle…”

He whispered as he looked me straight in the eye sending a chill up my spine, my heart skipped a beat. He would still deny his mate for me?

My eye brows furrowed in confusion, “You would really abandoned your mate for me?”

I watched his reaction and I could see the hurt in his eyes as I said it, I sighed and stared at the ground. I couldn’t do this to him.

“Yes I would Belle” Bryce spoke with less conviction and I tried to control my breathing.

“Thank you Bryce” I whispered and looked up at him through my lashes and saw his eyes flicker to the house.

“But I can’t ask you to do that, I love you too much to make you stay with me just because I can’t or won’t be with my mate.” I started my bike again and stopped short of putting on my helmet when he spoke.

“But Belle I want to make you happy.” He whispered.

“And you will make me happy if you go to her, I will feel better knowing you are with the person you belong to. I wouldn’t feel right keeping you two apart because of my own selfishness.” I took a deep breathe already feeling myself missing him. Knowing I would never be able to be as close to him as we once where now that he had his mate.

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