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"Cora, you ready?" I turn around to look at Alyce my eyes drawn to the white bag cradled in her arms

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"Cora, you ready?" I turn around to look at Alyce my eyes drawn to the white bag cradled in her arms. I turn away from the window that perfectly frames the lake.

"I've never been so ready for anything." I smile and it hurts my cheeks, these last few weeks have been filled a mixture of emotions. The sadness of laying loved ones down to rest and the fear that still seeps in during nightmares have been temporarily overshadowed by the joy of the day. Preparing for this wedding had brought a lightness and happiness back in and I never want it to end. I walk to Alyce and gently take my dress from her, Elaine soon joins and they both help me into it. As the last button is done I slowly walk over to the mirror and look up. The already large smile has taken up more room than before. I run my hands down the ivory lace that hugs my body and then trail up my arm to run along the soft lace sleeves that encase my them. I feel goosebumps take over my skin as I start to picture myself walking towards Cad.

"Turn around" Elaine claps excitedly, and I do as she asks and I turn my back to the mirror to take in the low back that comes down below my shoulders. Perfectly framing my shoulder blades. I blush with excitement and clap with Elaine and I notice Alyce's eyes become glassy with tears. I walk over and hug her and she holds me tightly. A moment I knew was being shared with my own mother as she no doubt watched over me.

"I have something for you" She whispers and brings out a dainty box with a white ribbon tied around it. I looked at it and then back at her. 

"What's this?" I ask curiously gently taking the box from her.

"Well open it and find out." She smiles and before she can finish I start unwrapping the gift. my breath hitches.

In my hands, I hold a delicate gold necklace with my Pride's and, now, my Pack's crest elegantly intertwined to form one beautiful pendant. "This is so gorgeous." I feel my emotions start to ball up in my throat and I command myself not to cry so I don't ruin the makeup I just finished.

"Here, let me put it on." Alyce smile's her tears flowing free now and all I can do is nod and hand it to her, knowing if I spoke the damn that held back the flood of tears would break and my makeup would be done for.

As she gently places the necklaces around my neck I bring my hand up to grasp it, perfectly nestled between my chest. I feel a comfort with it in my hands and close my eyes smiling.

"Thank you so much, this is so beautiful," I speak with a waiver in my voice and I turn around for another embrace.

"Ok ok enough before we all start crying! How would you like your hair?" Elaine interrupts the moment and I am grateful because a moment longer and I wouldn't be able to hold back.

I turn around and look back in the mirror and my face lights up "I want it down with some soft curls." Elaine nods with a smile and grabs her curling iron setting to work. Fifteen minutes later and I am ready. I hear a gentle knock on the door and turn around to see Bane. His eyes light up and I blush as I see the emotions on his face, knowing this is how my Dad would have looked at me. Yup...I'm gonna have to touch up my make up.

Strength, Love, Pride (Complete)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum