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 We sat there for what seemed like hours till Dr. Gordon came walking out smiling at all of us, walking over to Bane. You could see the relief wash over his face, "She will be just fine, thank goodness it wasn't any deeper or we would have really had a problem." All Bane did was nod staring past Dr. Gordon obviously eager to go see his wife. I watched him disappear and I let out a sigh of relief and shook James awake who was sleeping in my lap. His first shift took a lot out of him as they normally do. "James" I whispered as gently as I could, but even my soft whisper made him shoot up " Is she ok?" He said loudly looking around the sleep still heavy in his eyes "Yes yes it's ok, it's ok. She is going to be just fine. We are going to give Bane a minute with her and then you can go back and see her ok?" James slumped back into my lap letting a tear roll down his cheek "It was so scary" he whispered, and my heart ached for him. No child should have to go through this much. " I know James, but we are going to put a stop to all of this. I promise" I looked at Cad who was looking just as rough as James and he nodded in agreement. After a few more moments Bane walked out ushering all of us in. We all circled around Alyce, I knew I couldn't have been the only one that was taken aback by her appearance. She was always so put together, cheery and full of love and energy and here laid a tired worn out older woman who had no color to her face. James ran up to her wrapping his arms tightly around her waist and bursting with tears. I could see Alyce's eyes begin to water as she pulled James closer to her, holding him tight just shushing him. Cad left my side and sat next to his mother kissing her forehead. "Don't do that again mom, I really couldn't handle being around Dad if anything happened to you." He laughed quietly only half joking. "I'm sorry son, I guess it has been a while since I have had to do anything like this." She cupped his cheek and smiled. "You won't ever have to do anything like this again when I am done." Bane growled the anger was a fire in his eyes. "This will end." I said, Alyce looked at me and there was fear in her eyes. It took me by surprise for a moment. The way she looked at me made me shake. It was unsettling, she took a moment to thank Sammy and Elain for their parts and then asked if she could have a moment alone with me. I looked around the room at everyone else just as confused. As soon as the last person closed the door Alyce patted the bed next to her, motioning me to come closer. It was stupid...but it was hard for me. I again felt that the ones I got closest to just got hurt, Alyce saw my hesitation and she smiled gently. "Don't make me ask again" I sat down and smiled shyly "Sorry". 

Alyce sat back, sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "Ever since I was little I have had vision, never thought much of them. I chalked them up to being something like dreams. But after a while, I began to see that those dreams would come true in some form or another. Call it intuition call it visions, but my point is they happened. While I was asleep, I had one." She looked at me and held my hand. "Cad loves you so so very much. Please don't do anything stupid with the battle to come. If I lose you I lose my son, and James loses his only blood family." I looked at her for a moment confused, so she clarified "You are going to die." She whispered, the blood draining from her face. "What?" I asked shocked, my heart racing. " I saw it . Now I have learned that usually with my visions, although I have never had one quit like this, are subject to change. I know how protective you are of everyone here, but you have to learn to trust them. To work with them and run as a pack. I know this goes against the more common mountain lion view of hunting alone, but you are a part of our pack. Run with us and you will survive, I truly believe that." I stared at her, her eyes watering as she gripped my hand " You are so much more than just a pack member to me, my life wouldn't be complete without you or your brother. You are so special, the thought of losing you is unbearable. So promise me you will work together, don't do this on your own." I nodded staring down at my hand, I didn't want to die. I wanted to have a life with Cad, get married, have my own family. At the same time, I knew if it came down to it I would do whatever it took to keep them safe. "How?" I whispered staring at Alyce, she sighed and shook her head as the memories came back a tear ran down her face. " Cora..." She paused I could tell she was hesitant to tell me."As far as I could gather, you ran off on your own to deal with Alec. He is so much stronger than you know, he drains you slowly and then, next thing I see is a dagger in your chest. I don't know what happened " She whispered to herself. "We loved him, he was a normal boy a sweet little boy. What did we do so wrong? He changed so drastically and so suddenly" I gripped her hand tighter "Nothing, you did nothing but do the best you could. Sometimes no matter what it's just not enough to save some people when they take that wrong path with their own choices." She began to cry and I held her tight "You are going to have to kill him." She whispered in broken sobs, I gently pulled away. "What?" I was shocked at what she was telling me. "He is behind it all I saw that today, my boy has died. I don't know who this man is but if he is allowed to live he will bring nothing more than destruction and more bloodshed than we have ever seen." I stared down at our intertwined hands. "Do you think we can save him?" I whispered, she shook her head. "I don't know, he has done so much. Could someone really come back from all of that?" She stared out the window I could imagine as a mother this must have broken her heart more than anything else ever could. "I will do my best Alyce, not for him but for you." I stood up and kissed her on the cheek. "I will come back, my life is intertwined with Cads and I want to protect him. Dying would be pointless." I smiled at her and she nodded whipping the tears away as we heard a knock on the door. Bane popped his head a look of concern coated his features as he took in both our states. "Everything ok?" We both nodded and smiled "It will be" I said looking back at Alyce before walking out. 

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