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I woke to an empty bed and a simple note on my pillow from Bryce.

‘Had to go to a pack meeting be back soon. Love –Bryce’

I stared at the note grateful he wasn’t in the room to see what I am sure was an awkward looking expression. It was weird having Bryce be so affectionate with me.

I sat in bed in a slight daze as I thought about last night; Cad was beginning to sense the bond. How long would he believe I had lost my mate in the destruction of my village? I felt guilty lying about something so serious. I dragged a heavy hand down my face stopping half way when I heard a very strange yet familiar sound.

My hand dropped in my lap and I stared at the door…Chewbacca? I lazily drug myself out of bed looking at the clock. It was almost noon! I can’t believe I slept in that long! I gently opened my door to be greeted by the sound of screaming, laughter, and running.

I must have still been half asleep because I heard Chewbacca again. And then I saw something that I would never forget as I looked over the side of the stairs.

I heard screaming followed by the sound of Chewbacca’s famous vocalizations. I stared wide eyed as I saw James run into the lobby his face blue from laughing as he swung around a red light saber with a black sheet tied around his neck.

And something I never thought I would ever see in my life followed. Right on James heels was Cad screaming like Chewbacca. My mouth came unhinged as my jaw dropped. In front of me I watched as Cad and James fought each other with light sabers. Cad continued with his Chewbacca self while James mimicked Darth Vader’s breathing. I slapped my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing out loud. My sides where in stitches as I watched them continue. Soon enough James dropped the Darth Vader act ripped off the black sheet banged on his chest before screaming like a deranged wookie, and charging at Cad who screamed like a little girl before running out of my site to the living room.

I couldn’t hold it in anymore I literally doubled over in laughter! I made my way down the stairs still laughing and I laughed even harder when Cad peeked his head from around the corner entrance to the living room with his face red from embarrassment.

“Morning sissy!!” James charged me and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist I returned his hug and raised my eyebrows in a questioning look at Cad.

“Morning James what are you two doing?” I kept my gaze on Cad the whole time and watched as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck. Wow he looked adorable when he did that.

“Cad was playing Star Wars with me! He said we could watch all the movies today! And Mama Luna went out and bought us light sabers!” James was talking a hundred miles a minute and I saw the fading stain of a chocolate milk mustache.

“Oh my sounds like fun can I join in?” I looked at James who nodded his head so fast and quick I thought his head would come off.

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