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I sat down stairs in the living room on our way too comfortable couches trying to watch TV, but nothing held my attention. I was too busy feeling like a total dick bag for was I said to the rogue. I was tempted to go upstairs and apologize but the alpha wolf in me refused. She disrespected me first.

I growled before turning off the TV and making my way to the kitchen to get some food. It had been a few hours since the rogue had gone upstairs. I didn’t like the fact that part of me wanted to check on her to make sure she was ok.

I started throwing together a sandwich hoping that some food would keep me distracted. It didn’t because the sandwich was gone in a matter of seconds. Thankfully before my mind could wander back to the rogue the house phone rang.

I read the caller I.D Bryce. An evil grin appeared on my face.

“Sup Bryce, you calling for another re-match?” I smirked thinking back to the last time Alpha Bryce was in and we raced our cars through town. I smoked him!

“Maybe later Cad, is Alpha Bane there? It is urgent that I speak to him. I couldn’t get in contact with him at the office.” I could hear the stress in his voice and didn’t like it.

“Nah man Dad’s back at the office probably with Mom.” I could hear Bryce groan on the other end clearly aggravated. It wasn’t like him to sound like that. Bryce was a young Alpha only a few years older than me. My father and his where always real close so Bryce and I were good friends, he was a real laid back guy so hearing him like this was strange. It made him sound so damn old.

“Damit! Cad I need you to have him call me as soon as possible.” Bryce sounded pissed.

“What the fuck are you so freaked out about?” I grunted into the phone.

“Alpha business Cad sorry, just have him call me it’s important.” Without another word Bryce hung up.

I hung up and went back to the kitchen to get a drink when I heard a loud crash up stairs.

“What the hell!” I gritted my teeth as I ran up the stairs.

The guest room door was open and so was my bedroom door. That damn rogue has gone into my room! I was beyond pissed, I slammed open my door the rest of the way causing it to slam into the wall.

“Shit” Mom wasn’t going to be happy about that.

I looked around my room and felt my blood boiling when I saw my glass weapons case was shattered.

“Son of a bit—“ I was cut off by the sound of a motorcycle engine. I ran over to my open window in enough time to watch the rogue speed off on her bike with the bow and arrows I had taken along with her bike.

Dad wasn’t going to be happy if he found out I let the rogue get away. I ran down to my car starting it up as I typed in the tracking bracelet code into my gps. It felt like it was taking forever before it finally picked up her bracelet. ”You have to be kidding me!”

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