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CHAPTER 7 : Almost

It’s been two weeks since Bryce and I decided to become a couple, James was ecstatic. He loved Bryce so he was more than happy when we got together.

“Sissy!” James lunged at me as soon as I walked through the door. Ever since the picnic Cad had been avoiding me and was spending more time with Sydney. It made me sick but I knew it had to happen, so I stayed at the make shift archery field Bane and Alyce put together for me most of the day.

I saw Cad’s back as it retreated out the back door and my heart sank the same it did every time he left to go with her. I felt someone kiss my cheek bringing a smile to my face.

“Hey” I turned to look at Bryce who wore a large grin on his face.

“How are you doing today my beautiful Belle.” I let him pull me close as I sighed into his chest.

“Been better, have you guys gotten any more information on the people that attacked my pride?” Bryce waited a few days after the picnic to tell me about what they had found out.

Apparently they had something against feline shifters at least that is what we thought for now. We were the first of three prides and one pack with mixed couples to be attacked. So far none where as severe as the attack on my pride, since then I have been terrified that they would find us an attack this pack. I felt like a threat and I was itching to leave. But Bryce reassured me they didn’t know anyone had survived the attack. They seemed to be a much larger and much more powerful version of the humans KKK clan. But instead of race, they were against species. Unfortunately whomever they had feeding them information was discovered and disposed of. Since then we have yet to discover any new information.

“No I’m sorry baby.” Bryce mumbled into my hair.

“I will tell you the first moment we have something new ok?” I nodded my head.

“In the mean time I was wondering…” Bryce pulled away and gave me a sheepish smile.

“if you would like to go out on a date with me.” He gave me his most charming smile and no way was I going to say no.

“Of course!” I said with some excitment; we had gone on a few dates during the last few weeks but nothing grand since he had a lot of pack business to attend to. He kept telling me he wanted to take me on a proper date so I was excited to see what he had planned.

“Perfect how about this Sunday ?”

I vigorously nodded my head excited for a distraction.

“Great” Bryce kissed my cheek and I saw the smile drop on his face. That was his ‘I have to go now’ face.

“I’ll be back tonight around six ok?” I knew he felt guilty about having to constantly leave but he had a pack to take care of. Maybe one that I would be Luna of someday, the thought sent a shiver of confusing emotions through my body. Is that what I wanted? I ignored the thoughts and smiled at Bryce.

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