Spectral Illusions Chapter 7

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Aloha, my fellow Wattpaders (yeah, I don't know either)! Chapter 7 is here! Yay!

I think I've only got about two more chapters of flashbacks left before we begin the main story! Whoopie! Jeez, I've left poor present-time Kakashi sitting in the rain for seven chapters! SEVEN!

I feel mean now...

You'll find out what the picture on the side is later, near the end of the chapter. The pic came from my DeviantArt, and there's a link on my profile if you wanna go check it out.

Anyhoo, enjoy! (oh, yeah, there's no present-time stuff in this chappy at all. Just flashbacks)


Chapter 7:


Kakashi sighed, glad he had returned to the village. The Third was still paranoid about his daughter leaving the village, thus stopping Mayako going on the mission Kakashi and Itachi had just been on.

Speaking of the Uchiha, he walked alongside Kakashi, his mask in hand as he pulled it away from his face. Kakashi decided to do the same, lifting his hands to untie the knot in the string holding his mask to his head, letting it drop into his open, waiting palm. Lowering it from his face, he shot Itachi a look with his onyx eye, keeping his Sharingan eye closed as he placed his mask on his belt. He wondered if Itachi would notice if Kakashi vanished there and then to find Mayako. Actually, thinking about it, Itachi would also be going to find her if Kakashi disappeared.

Why couldn't Kakashi have a few minutes to have Mayako to himself? Why was she always preoccupied these days? They'd promised they'd be there for each other; not running off to train with midget-people and leaving him hanging mid-sentence.

Yeah, he still held a grudge for that.

"You want to go find Mayako-senpai, don't you?" Itachi asked out of the blue, causing Kakashi's attention to be pulled back to reality. He turned his head to look over at Itachi, his eye narrowing slightly at the Uchiha's tone. Instead of a question, it sounded more like an accusation.

"Yeah, I do. Is there a problem with that?" Kakashi grumbled, dropping his gaze to the floor as he stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"Not really," Itachi shook his head, glancing at Kakashi with a curious look. Then, his head fell to the side as a smile took his lips. "You like Mayako-senpai, don't you?"

Kakashi decided to avoid answering the question seriously. He still wasn't sure of the answer himself, never mind telling Itachi. "Of course I like Mayako. She's my partner,"

"You know that's not what I mean. You love Mayako-senpai, don't you?"

Kakashi paused, before sighing deeply. "I don't know. I really don't."

"You don't?" Itachi's smile faltered, replaced by a frown. "What do you mean? How can you not know if you feel love towards someone?"

"It's not as simple as suddenly deciding, 'Oh, I love her!'" Kakashi rolled his eye, throwing a hand up and putting on a voice to show his point. Then, both his hand and act dropped. "It's confusing. I don't understand anymore. We used to be rivals, then friends, then close friends, best friends...I have no idea what we are anymore..." Wait, why was Kakashi explaining this to Itachi?!

Glancing over at him, Kakashi found Itachi frowning at Kakashi's words, looking as if he was deeply contemplating these words. "So, you're unsure of how you feel about her in general?" He asked, causing Kakashi to nod slightly.

"I know Mayako like the back of my hand. I know she'd think I was weird if I told her I loved her." Kakashi shrugged. It really was a no win situation. He did feel love for her, so it hurt him to not be able to say so, but if he did and Mayako didn't feel the same way, their relationship would become awkward and it would hurt him to not speak to her anymore. That's why he was weary of telling her.

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