Spectral Illusions Chapter 18

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Kakashi followed behind the Genin with a small frown. The excitable blonde, Uzumaki Naruto, was walking ahead of them with his arms folded behind his head, humming to himself. The pink-haired girl, Haruno Sakura, was busy trying to get the attention of the almost-silent Uchiha Sasuke, who was ignoring her with everything he had. The final Genin was short, only slightly taller than her other female teammate, and was doing what she did best; glaring at the back of Sasuke's head as she walked just in front of Kakashi. This one was Yamato Ayame, and it was obvious she held a grudge against the young prodigy.

The Jounin had just passed all four of them after their survival training. He knew he now has the responsibility of them all, and that meant less time with Mayako, sadly. However, leaving her alone might be able to allow her to grow some independence instead of Kakashi doing everything for her.

But one thought came to mind; why were there four Genins?!

Why did he have four? Why couldn't Asuma have been given four? Why not Kurenai? Why did it have to be him that got four Genin? And another question; why had an extra Genin even passed the graduation exam? He'd have to ask the Third later, because he could come up with no explanation. He'd only heard of this happening once before, with Team Minato, and Mayako wasn't even a real member. She didn't even take the graduation exam!

"Ne, ne, sensei!" Naruto began, almost chirping with happiness as he spun around to a stop, causing the other Genins to almost fly into him because of his abrupt stop. Kakashi rose an eyebrow at his grin. "Treat us to Ichiraku Ramen as a reward for passing!"

"Uhm, let me think about that..." Kakashi placed a hand at his chin, pretending to be in deep thought for a minute before abruptly saying, "No."

Ayame scooted around Sakura and extended a hand to Naruto. "Halfy-halfy on costs?"

"Good plan!" Naruto smacked his hand onto Ayame's, before the two dashed off down the street as fast as Kakashi could blink.

"Hey, you two-" Kakashi began calling, a little irked that they hadn't waited for dismissal.

"Just leave them." Sasuke spoke up for the first time in a long while, keeping his eyes away from the two ninja remaining with him, hands in his pockets. "If I know anything about Ayame, it's that she won't stop if it means getting food after an intense training session. My allowance knows from experience." The last part was grumbled under his breath, but Kakashi caught it, and it inspired more raised eyebrows from the Jounin.

"Very well. You two are free to join them. Dismissed." Kakashi sighed almost in relief, placing his hands in his pockets as he strolled away from the two. He snorted when he heard Sakura call after Sasuke, but get ignored. He wondered if there were shipping possibilities in his new team. Kakashi was, after all, the shipping master.

His strides became eager when he remembered Mayako was waiting for his return. He hurried along, and was quick to unlock the door to his apartment when he reached it. He called out Mayako's name even before he'd taken off his sandals.

He got a response, but wasn't the response he wanted. She sounded... Scared. Worried. Mayako was calling to him for help.

Completely disregarding his sandals, he rushed to where he heard her, finding her on the floor of the kitchen, hunched over with her back to him. Reaching her side, he crouched beside her, placing his hands at her shoulders and helping her sit up.

"Kakashi, help me..." She murmured under her breath, Sharingan eyes lifting to meet his. His eyes widened at the sight of the black marks creeping across her skin, covering half of her face, and trailing half way down the whole of her body. Her hands were in her lap, shaking while looking at the comparison. "I can't... I have no control over it. I can't-"

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