Spectral Illusions Chapter 24

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I really like this chapter; I'm really happy with how it turned out. I've felt like that for a few chapters, now, and I think I'm going to miss writing a dramatic climax. *shrug* I can always write more!


Uchiha Sasuke was indeed a talented boy. Mayako expected no less, of course, from the younger Uchiha prodigy and Kakashi's seemingly-favourite student. No wonder so many in the crowd has anticipated his fight so eagerly; he was so fast yet smart and tactical, and by the time he performed Chidori, Mayako was wondering if Kakashi's goal was to create a younger him in Sasuke.

She rolled her eyes at the Hatake, who sent her a pleasant closed-eye smile. Show off.

She couldn't help but shake the uncomfortable feeling she had resting in the pit of her stomach, though. This Gaara boy, the one Sasuke was fighting... She felt off about him. There was something wrong. Sakura and the blonde - who she now knew as Ino - quietly told her how he mercilessly broke both the arm and leg of Gai's student, Lee, and perhaps even paralysed him for life.

He seemed... Dark. Even for her standards.

Her gaze wandered to her father, who sat up in the Kage Box beside the Kazekage, a guest of honour. She was unsure why, but as soon as her eyes landed on the Kazekage, the feeling was back, and she shook her head and looked to the Third, instead. He didn't look worried. Why was she?

She watched it happen, almost in slow motion. The crowd was gasping at something happening below but she was on her feet and moving because of something happening above. No matter how fast she ran, she watched the smoke bomb drop before she could reach him.

She felt an arm around her, holding her still.

"Don't," it sounded like... Gai? "The ANBU will handle him. For now..."

Her head snapped up. "Genjutsu?" she questioned, feeling suddenly very sleepy.

"Yes. Hurry."

The two of them released the hold the Genjutsu had on them, and he too released the hold on her. He nodded to her, before jogging off back to Kakashi. She followed him, unsure of what to do and hoping he would.

"You should go," he said to her as soon as they approached. "You're not fit to fight. Go home and wait it out."

Mayako's anger flared. "I'm not going home to wait it out whilst the village is under attack, Kakashi, I can do something!"

"This isn't the time to argue with me, Mayako. You need to listen to me."

She briefly noted how stunned Gai was to see her.

"I can help! Let me help!" she retorted.

"We can't stand here arguing about this-"

"Then it's settled! I'm going to help."

Kakashi heaved a heavy sigh. He stepped up to her, taking her shoulders in his hands and looking down at her. "Mayako, please. I'm worried you won't be able to defend yourself."

"She won't have to, sensei," her gaze flashed behind Kakashi, to the speaker. Ayame. She'd come up from the competitors' box with Naruto and Shikamaru to warn them about Gaara, or something. "I'll stay with her." she offered.

Kakashi looked torn. Now with two women allied against him, he seemed unlikely to win, but he looked like he sure wanted to try.

Mayako reached up and squeezed his shoulder. "I'll be okay, Kakashi," she reassured, causing him to look back at her. "I'll make sure I am."

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