Spectral Illusions Chapter 3

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Update. Yay! Sorry if this chapter's shorter or crappier, but here you go anyway.

Song on the side is Hymn for the Missing by Red. I think this song fits this story pretty well.


Chapter 3:

{Present day}

A small, irritated sigh broke the constant pattering of rain on the grass and rock, Kakashi closing his eyes and leaning his head back.

"You would have been twenty-five now, Mayako," Kakashi slowly reached behind him, pulling out the deep blue scarf he had rolled up inside his weapons pouch. "I was thinking you should have this back..." He glanced to his left, to which the young, ghostly shadow of Mayako shook her head, holding up her hands. "I should keep hold of it then?" He asked, to which she nodded, holding up her hand in a thumbs up.

"How many years ago now was it that I gave you this...?" He asked slowly, running the soft material through his hands, stopping at where her name was embroidered in black kanji. "It was your birthday, so today...a certain amount of years ago. Forgive me; I just can't be bothered doing the math."


"Come on, Mayako!" Rin cried, pulling along a pouting Mayako, who was fighting against Rin's monster-like grip.

"Why am I being dragged out here?" She whined, to which Rin giggled and rolled her eyes.

"It's just birthday, silly. We want to give you presents!"

Mayako scowled, her face slowly pulling up into an annoyed look. "I told you guys I don't want presents. I just want to sleep for the whole day!"

"Not a routine for a lady, nor a ninja!" The smaller brunette said, waving her finger in Mayako's face as they came to an abrupt halt in the street.

"But it's my birthday!"

Rin ignored her, and turned back around to the direction she was going, and grabbed Mayako's wrist once again, pulling her along with all her strength. She stopped when she was around the corner from her destination, stopping in front of Mayako with a stern look.

"Don't be pouting! It's your birthday! These guys will be crushed if you're not smiling!" She scolded, poking up the corners of Mayako's mouth with her fingers to make a lopsided smile.

Mayako's face instantly fell back into its scowl when she let go of her face, batting her hands away.

Rin sighed, rolling her eyes. In the past few months, she'd become good friends with Mayako, and considered the usually hyper and dirty-minded girl her best friend. Sure, Mayako might have the strength to crush a mountain, but Rin wasn't bothered in the slightest.

"Close your eyes!" Rin instructed, not wanting the surprise to be ruined too quickly.

"Rin, no. Bringing me out was enough," Mayako waved her hand at the setting sun, folding her arms. "I'm loosing daylight quickly here. And I don't even want presents-"

Rin threw her hand over Mayako's eyes, pulling the brunette down to her level, and dragging her alongside her, to which Mayako protested loudly and waved her arms around in an attempt to escape. Rin ignored her however, and continued to pull her along, turning and pushing the door to the BBQ restaurant open with her back.

"Rin! Rin! Let go of me!" Mayako shouted, trying now to punch the girl in the stomach. Rin - thankfully - dodged all of the girl's blows...which probably would have sent her flying into the far wall.

She dragged Mayako over to the side of the restaurant Minato had managed to reserve, and brought a hand to her mouth to signal for everyone to remain quiet. And then, she pulled Mayako to her feet, before letting go of her, stepping back and smiling innocently.

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