Spectral Illusions Chapter 5

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Hey, hey, hey~! I'm back, less than a day later! Do you know how I know? Because last night, when I updated, it was roughly around half one in the morning. Right now, it's half twelve. Beat it by an hour!

Anyhoo, this chapter is a little different. It starts by continuing the flashback from last chapter (where Mayako and Kakashi were at the restaurant and Team Minato were stalking them) and then you should be able to figure it out. If not, I've put a little note by a possibly-confusing-brain-killing moment. Anyway, enjoy!


Chapter 5:


"Hey, Kakashi, are you going to eat something?" Mayako asked, holding her chopsticks up, in the middle of picking a piece up from the barbecue.

"No. Not hungry." The Hatake simply said, his chin in his palm as he looked out of the open window beside them.

"Are you sure?" She frowned, before realisation dawned on her. "You don't want to eat because you don't want me to see your face, right?"

Kakashi simply grunted, not agreeing or disagreeing with her statement. The truth was, that he was in fact hungry, but she was right. None of his team had seen his face apart from Minato. He'd prefer to keep it that way.

"Oh come on!" Mayako smirked, rolling her eyes at him. "I won't judge you. Mostly."

"That's not what I'm worried about." He grumbled, his eyes flicking over to her triumphant face for a few seconds, before looking away.

"So you do want to hide your face!" Grinning, she pointed a finger in his face. "...so what are you worried about, then...?"


"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?"

It sounded completely arrogant, and bigheaded, but Kakashi said it anyway. "I don't want another fangirl."

The lack of response caused Kakashi to look over at her, to find her struggling to stifle her giggles. She burst out laughing, making Kakashi scowl and look away. He knew she wouldn't take his words seriously.

"Wait, wait, wait!" She shouted, struggling to speak with the laughs still tumbling from her mouth. "So, you hide your face, because you don't want fangirls?! Do you realise how arrogant that actually sounds, Kakashi?!"

"I know it sounds arrogant. That's because it is an arrogant thing to say." Kakashi shrugged, but his serious manner made Mayako stop laughing, and frown at him. She realised he was being deadly serious about this. "It's not my fault. If there was a chance I wouldn't have fangirls, I wouldn't wear this stupid mask."

"It's not stupid." Mayako said after a few moments. "I think it makes you look cool and mysterious- oh God, did I just say that aloud?" The last part she whispered to herself, dropping her head to hide her now-beetroot coloured face under her hair. Kakashi heard it, however, and he also spotted her blush before she hid it.

He didn't say anything in response, simply remaining silent. He took the compliment quietly, smiling slightly to himself under his mask.

In an attempt to change the subject, Mayako asked, "So, which of your parents do you resemble more?"

Kakashi shrugged. "My father. I have a few of my mother's features, but I'm mostly like him."

"Did you ever get to meet your mother?"

"No. Well, I did, but I wasn't old enough to remember. No one ever told me how she died."

Mayako's eyes widened slightly. She hadn't realised his mother had died too! She thought that his mother had simply left or something. But, with all things considered, Kakashi had turned into quite a nice person, what with both of his parents missing to raise him. That was, if Kakashi liked you. If he didn't - example, Obito - he'd just downgrade you, and speak to you like you were dirt.

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