Spectral Illusions Chapter 4

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Sorry for the long wait! I just kept on loosing inspiration for this chapter, but hopefully, next chapter will come a lot easier and it will be posted sooner! I hope...


Chapter 4:

{Present day}

Kakashi was silent as the rain still continued to patter down onto his head and the floor around him, darkening everything with a cold, damp layer of water.

Then, he dropped his hand to the stone beneath him, tapping out a familiar beat subconsciously. The cold didn't bother him, nor did the rain. He wasn't even there in mental sense; his mind was filled with memories of a happier time he eagerly strolled through.


"Hey, hey, Kakashi."

He ignored the annoying voice, keeping his eyes closed and trying his best to refrain from his eyebrow twitching.

"Kakashi. Kakashi. Kakashi~!"

Still, the Hatake ignored it, though the grip on his arm tightened slightly out of annoyance.

"Oi! Hatake! Listen to me, you little ass!"

Kakashi grew an anime vein at the insult, but continued to ignore her.

"Ka-ka-shi. Quit ignoring me, or I'll hurt you."

He cracked an eye open, the threat making him change his mind. He knew she actually would hurt him, as she had on several occasions. He didn't like it much.

"What?" He asked, spotting the irritated Sarutobi literally quivering with anger as she glared at him a few meters away, the blue scarf around her neck being gripped onto the probably stop herself from punching him.

"I asked you what the hell we're doing here!" She snapped, her hands balling into fists at her sides. "Why was I dragged out here?! More over, why am I alone with you?!"

Kakashi shrugged. "Minato-sensei's orders."

"What?! Where are they then?!"

He shrugged again. "Don't know. Don't care."

Mayako sighed, trying to calm herself. "So he said nothing? Nothing at all?"


Her hand balled into a fist, her eyebrow twitching as an anime vein grew on her forehead. She paused, her head snapping to the right as she heard a rustle of tree leaves, hoping to see either her blonde-haired, blue-eyed sensei, or maybe one of her odd, unofficial teammates. After staring at the spot for a few moments, she shrugged, seeing nothing visibly there out of the ordinary.

Nothing out of the ordinary was actually quite the opposite of what was actually there. Behind a tree, her sensei hid himself behind it, his eyes wide. 'That was way too close for my liking!' Minato thought, smacking a hand to his head. Then, he glared down at Obito, who was currently held in a headlock by Rin. The small brunette had managed to grab him before he strolled into the clearing, pulling him out of sight, which had been the noise Mayako heard.

Mayako turned to Kakashi, arms folded. "Should we go look for them?" She asked, to which he shrugged.

"Whatever. I don't care." He said simply, causing her to roll her eyes, before grabbing hold of his arm and dragging him away from the tree he was leaning against, nearly making him fall flat on his face with how much force she used.

As soon as they leapt out of sight, Rin dropped Obito to the ground. The Uchiha sat spluttering, trying to catch his breath for a few moments, before he looked up at the brunette.

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