44| Opportunity

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a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.
"we may see increased opportunities for export"


Jo: Wait...Machines?!


Tears rolled down my eyes as I hugged onto Brooklyn she's gone. My little sister she's—

I came to a realization.

Jo: Ella...she was just brought in.....

N: Who is Ella?

Jo: Daniel Seavey's Wife.

Daniels head popped up as I motioned to him.

N: Daniel Seave— You're Daniel Seavey?

D: Y-Yes.

N: I am looking for Mr Sevin

D: So my wife isn't dead?

N: No! Your wife...she woke up a couple minutes ago. The doctors should be back in a minute to let you see her.

D: Th-Thank you!

I hugged Daniel. Thank god. I loved Ella like a sister and I've never seen Daniel more happy. If we lost her we would've lost Daniel too.

And we would've all had a funeral for a girl that was alive in the hospital. Oops.

D: Thank you for being smart Joe.

He wipes his tears away and hugs me.

Jo: Anytime Dan.

D: Seriously Joe. You saved me from running out and literally killing myself.

Jo: I know Daniel. I'm happy to be of service.

N: Mr Se

D: T—

Jo: Why don't we (😏) let her finish this time Daniel.

D: Right.

N: Mr Seavey?


The nurse walked over smiling.


The nurse came over to us smiling.

N: First off Daniel and boys,!I just want to say my daughter is a MAJOR limelight.

We laughed.

D: That is AMAZING! Thank her!

I was in better spirits knowing Ella was fine.

Jo: I'll record a video for her.

She hands him her phone and smiles at me.

N: Mr Seavey. If I can talk to you about the important items now. Your wife is perfectly okay. She fainted due to jet lag and the baby. Oh and about that. Don't worry your secrets perfectly safe with me.

D: Secret?

N: Her pregna-Oh you didn't know

I looked down and frowned.

I was so excited but then I remembered our last beautiful baby girl...and what happened

D: I did not.

N: You didn't want a child Mr Seavey?

D: No I really want one...

N: You look so sad

D: It's just we had a baby girl before we were married and one night out of no where...Ella had a miscarriage.

N: Oh I see....well she can come for weekly checkups with me if you'd like. Though it's impossible to control, I can assure you'll I'll do everything I can to make sure you won't have to go through that again.

D: I would love that, thank you!

I smiled widely and turned to the group.


They all cheered as did I.

I turned around at the smiling nurse.

N: I take back what I said about you not being excited.

We laughed.

N: Would you like to see her...?

D: Does she know?

N: Yes

D: Well of course!

I walked with the nurse down the hall and she opened the door and we walked into a crying Ella.

N: I can leave.

D: No it's ok.

I walked over to her and hugged her.

D: Why so sad my love....?

E: Daniel...I don't want to fail you again.

D: Ella you never failed me....

E: I lost our child...

D: And that will make us fight harder for this one ok...maybe it was for the best...it was a sign we weren't ready but...now we are married and ready.

E: Daniel should I—

D: Ella you're not getting rid of it....we can do this.

E: I swear I am excited I am just so—

D: Scared

E: Yeah

D: Me too...I can't wait to have a family with you it's all I ever wanted...

E: Me too

N: Sorry to interrupt but, Ella.. I spoke to Daniel
briefly he agreed to weekly checkups if your up for it.

We smiled at her.

E: Of course. Anything for the baby.

N; Great!

D: When can she come home?

N: Since she did have a miscarriage early in the pregnancy last time we suggest she stays overnight just once so we can watch and steady her patterns.

D: Ok....

E: Of course

D: Can I stay?

N: Usually no. However, what's a good rule if you can't break it?

We smiled and laughed.

D: Thank you.

E: Can he stay in bed with me.

N; Um...I think for you in case of any problems I will bring in a separate bed however they can be as close as possible.

D: Ok thank you so much.

N: No problem.

D: Could I send a video for your girl?

N: Of course. Thank you. You're too kind.


We giggled and talked until she fell asleep and I eventually did too.

I was so glad she was ok.

And even more happy that once again we would have a little baby us growing.

No matter if we lost or not.

We would always have each other. And that is all that we seemed to need.

Mr Seavey's Secret Where stories live. Discover now