39| Actuality

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actual existence, typically as contrasted with what was intended, expected, or believed.
"the building looked as impressive in actuality as it did in magazines"


I slowly placed my things in bags expecting my Prince Charming to walk through the door and tell me to stay.

I expected my life to be like every fairytale ever and have my prince run in and stop me with a kiss.

But this was no fairytale

This was my life

I called my parents and they booked me a flight home to New York.

I expected this to be the end of my story...I had hoped I wouldn't have to hurt anymore.

But I also hoped with every piece of clothing I put in my bag my Prince Charming would run through that door.

My stuff was in many bags and then shoved into many suitcases.

I closed the door to the house and sighed. He didn't come.

I then saw a boy standing at the end of the driveway.

E: No.

Jo: I'm not here to stop you.

E: You're not?

Jo: I know you'll be back. No one can lose Ella that easily.

E: I'll be back for school.

Jo: And Daniel...

E: We are d—

Jo: We've never seen him happier. You'd think him being the happiest member of the band he would always be happy but, most of the time at home although he was happy... he was still a stubborn bitch that forever would be the most famous out of the 5 of us. You made him happy. You ARE his soul mate. And soul mates don't leave your life THAT easily. So Ella you'll be back alright.

E: You're sweet Jonah....I'll miss you.

Jo: As will I.

E: Goodbye. I will miss being with you guys...

Jo: Until next time.

E: You're so positive. Too positive.

Jo: It is because I am filled with facts. Now come on I am helping you to New York. Your parents and I already coordinated it.

E: What?!

Jo: Just get in the damn car.

E: Ok

We drove to the airport and he rode with me on the flight to New York.

Once he dropped me off with all my stuff and with my parents he hugged me one last time.

Jo: See you soon Ella.

E: Goodbye Jonah

I watched as he left.

I didn't know if I would ever see him again.

I couldn't go back to Daniel again. Could I?

When I got in my house I went upstairs and collapsed in my bedroom. I checked my phone 1,346 unread messages from Dani.

I scrolled through everyone, staring from the top. Once I got to the last one I stared nervously at my phone.


Ella, I know you may not see
all of these but, let me leave
you with this. When you get
home look on your tire swing
in your backyard. ❤️ I love
you. I am sorry.


My fairytale my prince...my....

I ran out to my backyard expecting to see a Daniel....my prince my happy ending

instead there was a box with a note on it. It read,

Although we are apart because I am an asshole. I realize sometimes couples need some time. So I give you what's in the box.

I stop reading and open the box it was a VIP ticket to the show in NYC. I read more.

I want you to be the one to make the final decision. The show is in 3 days. I was planning on taking you on tour with me...but....well you know. Anyways, I just want you to know 100% I am madly in love with you Ella, but I am also a bad person and can be abusive and hurt you. I break promises. I fuck up. I want you to show me whether you want us to end off together. If you are willing to work with me as I am with you. Come to our show. If not don't come to the show and I will never speak to you again and you'll never be bothered again.

Either way I respect your decision.
Just know I love you always


It was all my choice now.

As I reread the letter and looked at the ticket my choice was clear. My final decision was final in my head and had always been clear.

Daniel Seavey like all had his bad traits. However I had never fallen more in love with a person EVER. No matter how many times we almost lost each other "forever" or fake broke up we always wanted each other as we were apart and loved each other the same as we returned.

My answer had never been clearer as I played with the engagement ring on my finger.

There was no way in hell I would miss that show.

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