Chapter 5: You Don't Know Him

Start from the beginning

Tobias is a lot of things, he has done a lot of things but murder? He wouldn't stoop to that level, no he couldn't." Ariel sat upright, "what do you mean he's done a lot of things?" Beckett didn't want to say, especially to Ariel, someone he knew would stick by Tobias' side through thick and thin. He didn't want to scare her away but she had a right to know that he wasn't all sunshine and rainbow.

"You think my brother is as innocent as everyone makes him out to be? Tobias is far from the innocent boy next door show that he plays on repeat. I'm sure you've figured out at least that much. But despite that, he would never lay his hand on a girl, not forcefully nor willingly, well unless they're already dead. And what's the use of beating a dead horse right? He didn't hurt Maria and Kayla, and for them to go as far as to say he raped them? That's just disgusting."

"I know," she brought the mug to her lips and took a sip of the scorching hot coffee. "He's innocent, Beck, and we have to figure out a way to make everyone else see that."


Ariel thanked the cashier as she retrieved her cup of chocolate chip ice cream. Evelyn was supposed to accompany her to kill some time before they both went home but seeing as she cancelled their plans last minute, Ariel decided to eat alone. She climbed down the stairs of the ice cream parlour, heading straight towards her car as she thought of any possible secluded place where she could hopefully eat in silence and peace.

Before she could arrive at the parking lot, the sound of her name halted her footsteps. She dreaded the thought of turning around as she figured out who that voice belonged to. But the fact that she reacted already proved to him that she was aware of his presence. There's nowhere to run. So with little choice but to acknowledge him, she pivoted on her heels. "Are you stalking me now?" She questioned. Tobias smiled, "is that weird?"

She froze. Was he being serious? She chuckled, surely he wasn't. Though the look on his face was passive, it didn't appear as if he were joking. Tobias shoved his hands into the depths of his jean pockets. "I'm joking, you look genuinely horrified. Do I peg you as a stalker, Ariel?" She released the hold on her breath, "I don't know what I peg you as, Tobias. I don't know you."

"Well then," he closed the distance between them and Ariel had half a mind to shuffle away from him but against her better judgement, she remained frozen in her spot. "How about you get to know me now? Are you free?" She furrowed her brows. This would be a good opportunity to escape him seeing as she couldn't stand the last bone in his body.

          Ariel didn't know why she disliked Tobias Aspen. She just did. But, as annoying as he was, a part of her felt that light flicker of loneliness sparking within her chest. She tried to ignore it much like she ignores any other emotion that isn't anger but the feeling remained the longer she stared into his eyes.
Ever since her breakup with Larson, she was either angrily smashing everything in her room or occupying herself with Evelyn as a distraction.

She hadn't spoken to Tobias ever since the day in the washroom where he had her pinned against the sink. Ariel's body screamed at her to shove him away but her mind willed her to stay. The subtle flicker of his eyes to her lips had startled her more than she wished to admit and then what he said soon after. What did he mean by just wait, you'll see? Ariel had been pondering on it for the past few days to the point where she didn't even acknowledge Larson and Lewis' public display of affection.

Tobias was yet again a puzzle that she couldn't comprehend. She hated puzzles. She hated not being able to understand them; to understand their ins and outs. His cryptic way of conveying his thoughts was sending her mind into a whirlpool of torment and annoyance. If he didn't always speak in parables, maybe she'd start to like him.

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